Monday, February 13, 2012

DJ keep the party rocking all night

Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,

My next seller I want to discuss is one guy I've been wanting to discuss awhile now. He's a personal friend of mine on Facebook and I used to enjoy seeing his new gigs he'd premiere on an exclusive Fiverr group I used to be in. This guy should be a Top Rated Seller.  He has been on Fiverr for almost 2 years now! If you haven't figured out who it is by now and you're familiar with Fiverr it's djemotion. Who else would I be talking about! This guy turns out new gigs all the time, keeps things innovative, and he is the most interesting seller on here. I don't need to buy from him to tell you that. If you don't believe me have a looksie at his gigs yourself. DJ is an actual DJ in Calgary, Alberta, Canada as a career and an entrepreneur on Fiverr is his other career. But, he makes $50-75 or 10-15 sales a day on average from Fiverr. Not too shabby considering I myself only make about 3-5 sales ($15-25) regularly or 5-7 ($25-35) on a good day since becoming level 2. DJ used to work for Princess Cruise Ships and is still very fond of talking about his wonderful experiences of being at sea.

DJ has some really nice gigs and there's a few I'd like to talk about. One is where DJ will dress in a gorilla costume and dance around it's called "I will drive you bananas for $5" . The promo video looks hilarious. And another one which is very popular and has had 136 positive reviews is "I will sing happy birthday with this goofy hat to whoever you want for $5" . DJ does all of his gigs in the basement because that is where he has the most room and it's like a studio down there. If you would like to see some of his videos go to his youtube channel .

You need to check this seller out now! He's an amazing seller and I consider him a a very friendly guy. I could talk to him for hours. He keeps things real and he's an entrepreneur in every sense of the word. On the next edition I found a seller who has a wide array of different gigs i can discuss...but I'm going to keep the seller a secret. Tomorrow is valentines so i will post my video montage.  Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day! :)

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