Monday, April 30, 2012

Freshly Squeezed

 Hi Fiverrtastic Readers,
Ok so I've been doing this blog awhile now and there's plenty of sellers I've wanted to write about quite frankly just haven't had the time or money to buy from. All of these people on Fiverr that I'm referring to have services that are above and beyond the call of duty and worth more than a Fiverr. One good example is Oranjegirl and her husband Marko that goes by Orangewebdesign . These 2 are a tag team pair and I'd like to discuss them in a 2 part blog. The first blog will discuss Oranjegirl and her amazing professionalism. She has so many different gigs to choose from you won't be disappointed. The one I want to talk about is    I will take 5 cute photos of me holding a fan sign for $5 .This gig is like the gig of all gigs. There's so many fan sign gigs out there but how many of them have a beautiful girl holding up to 5 different signs all for $5. Yes you heard me $5...i didn't stutter! She has many other gigs too. A lot of them marketing related...technically all of them and it depends on your needs. Whether it's proofreading, scriptwriting, advertising, voice-overs, or still picture advertising. Oranjegirl is absolutely one of the top 10 most hands down original sellers here on Fiverr. She makes her gig's innovative and fresh. 

check out this video that advertises her fan sign service:

OG I really don't have much advice to offer you except to maybe keep the gigs updated and switch your gigs out every now and then. Also spread the word of Fiverr. The internet work from home community needs to expand because the way the economy is it could be a way of the future. Just tell everyone you know about Fiverr and spread the word.

Oranjegirl also runs 2 different groups on Facebook called "Add Me" and "Like My Page and I'll Like Yours" . Oranjegirl has a lot of other projects going on as well, but her biggest devotion is to Fiverr so check her out today. Next time we will check out Marko and his gigs. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hypnosis anyone?

Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
Ok so tonight I write this blog a little late but I'm still writing one. I found an awesome level 2 seller who sells a lot of advertising and hypnosis type gigs. His seller name is northshorehypno . How would you like to learn the secret of getting girls into bed without even trying. or maybe you want to learn how to hypnotize your friends. Maybe you want to learn about subliminal advertising. This guy has it all. He has one cool gig on how you can relax just by turning your TV into a fish tank. It's actually a pretty cool idea and he has the DVD to send you for the purchase of a $5 gig. This guy is worth a try and no matter what gig you buy he's bound to deliver something amazing.

Here is some advice for you northshorehypno: make sure all your gigs have a gig extra, put up a few new gigs, and advertise your gigs on different Fiverr pages or different Fiverr groups on Facebook. I was glad you reached out to me. sometimes i notice some peoples gigs if the catch my eye and others look all the same. Yours piqued my interest because I'm also skilled in advertising and my passion in college was psychology. Remember to always keep your gigs fresh. Change out gigs that aren't selling by suspending or deleting old ones and putting up new ones. and update the info and videos sometimes. (i need to do that myself just haven't got a chance).

Check out his video and see what i mean on how good his services are and how great this guy is:

Until next time readers have a Fiverrtastic Day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gigs With Originality

 Are you looking for gigs to purchase that are creative, innovative, and original. Look no further than Fiverr seller allielucious. This seller is very creative and has some amazing gigs. She is the most unique seller i've talked to in awhile. She's a level 2 seller and she's only been on here 3 months. Some of her gigs include "I will write a 300 word article for your blog or website on your blog or I can write testimonials as well for $5" and I will send you 25 guitar picks made out of recycled gift cards, credit cards and other recyclable plastic for $5 . Her guitar pick gig is amazing because she sends you 25 picks instead of 10 like some people. She makes them with recycled gift cards and other recycled plastic so you know their durable. 

allielucious I have a few tips for you. Put up a few new writing or handmade goods gigs you can put up to 20 gigs altogether, it may help your sales more. Make sure all your gigs have a gig extra. Put another 10 guitar picks and something else extra for a gig extra for the guitar pick gig. (also make sure your getting paid for the shipping as well) Besides that your doing an amazing job. Just trying and get your name out their and advertise on fiverr pages on facebook. Pages like Fiverrwall, Fiverrway, and my facebook page Fiverrtastic . As they say in Field of Dreams "If you build it they will come". You can't build a reputation without advertising it, just like a baseball field doesn't come from out of thin air. 

So check out allielucious today. She will be glad to do an amazing order for you. You won't be disappointed. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Look Like An Animal

Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
Ok so I was searching Fiverr and I found an awesome gig from an awesome level 2 seller (ahw juat got promoted). This seller will draw you to look like an animal. She goes by the seller name Uconcept and some of her gig concepts blow my mind. She's already had five positive ratings on the animal drawing gig alone. She's been on Fiverr for a little over a year.  she just started selling just over a month ago and buyers are buying her gigs like hot cakes. Seriously, I'm jealous because she uses an awesome Wacom Tablet with a screen to do some of her work and the end result shows her professionalism and individuality. I only use a Bamboo touch Wacom Tablet...and i don't use it all the time when i should. But My tablet doesn't have a cool screen like hers. i kinda have to guesstimate on screen.

If you want a creation that looks professionally done with lots of time and care put into the work you receive order from Uconcept . Believe me if I had the extra right now I would be ordering from her. I will be ordering soon and I will be showing the creation when i do. Check out the video of her animal drawing gig.

Until next time have a Fiverrtastic night!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Insanely Genious!

 Hey Fiverrtastic Readers,
Ok so I was roaming Fiverr looking for gigs like I usually do and on the Fiverr front page I found a Level 1 seller who is amazingly talented. He does some strange videos i must admit, but he is the funniest person I have seen by far. His comedic genius is like Robin Williams or Jim Carrey you either understand it or you don't. He has an assorted amount of video gigs and he will create video awesomeness for you. Just give a chance and you wont be disappointed.

The fiverr sellers username is Youtubefun and he's been on here 1 month and he's a level 1. That's not too shabby in my opinion because sometimes it's hard to get sales in your first month sometimes. But it depends on how creative and innovative the gigs are. This guy has so many different ideas though and he's so original. Youtubefun needs to be acting or doing commercials or something. I do have a suggestion though monetize your youtube videos if you haven't already. I would say the funniest gig on there is I will be the secret admirer they NEVER wanted for $5. Go Check his gigs out today

check out one of his videos he made a customer below: 

Until next time readers have a Fiverrtastic day! :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

a little too close for comfort!

For the last few days I've been dedicating a lot of my time to orders and I'm realizing it's actually more problem than it's worth. I need to come up with a set schedule. If anyone has suggestions that would be great! I am getting an excessive amount of orders, too many fussy customers, and not enough time to myself. Am I complaining....No! Am I irritated at how ungrateful some customers are...yes! I have had to cancel like 5 orders last week alone. That's lost money on my end! People just don't understand how much time goes into an order. and if it's a $5 order it pisses me off to work a half an hour or hour on stuff and a customer gripe about something without asking for it to be fixed first. I put 12 or 13 gigs on suspend until I finish orders because i'm just livid. I Will give you a new blog tomorrow Fiverrtastic readers. just never got a chance to write today was working on a revision and a few other orders.
Until next time have a Fiverrtastic night.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Taking Fiverr By Storm!

Hi Fiverrtastic Readers,
Ok So almost a week ago I came across a seller who is literally blowing up the fiverr community. I myself am surprised I have not ordered from her yet. Oh ya something about not being a very patient buyer. I waited a few weeks before I bought off the Tim Burton drawing girl. This seller is a minor celebrity though. You may know her from working with Sandra Bullock on Miss Congeniality 2, She was on Days of Our Lives, and She has done Narration for the Little Mermaid and The Crow Series. This woman has 26 orders in queue on her testimonial gig alone. She only has a voice-over and testimonial gig, shes been on here 8 days and she's completed 6 orders orders. She's on her way to becoming a level one seller quickly and a level 2 seller in less than 2 months quite possibly. I really think this seller has lots of potential. Her seller name is Scrapsculptures and I've talked to her and she is really nice!

Ok I would like to offer up some advice. Scrapscultures or Shari whichever you prefer Put yourself up a tip gig. People will tip if you suggest it sometimes. And when you suspend gigs to go on break leaving the tip gig open for orders is often very handy! When your order queue goes down put up a few new gigs if you can think up some. maybe a script writing gig for customers who don't want to send a script. Lastly, Remain Calm if a customer wants the order bad enough and you reassure them that they will get the order even if you're a few days late, they will be happy you're going out of your way to message them. So, if you want a professional voice-over or professional testimonial from someone who's actually been in the business try this seller out. Oh and thank you everyone for helping me reach over 3000 faceebok fans on the fiverrtastic page and for almost reaching 4500 views! Amazing Job Everyone!
Until Next Time Readers Have a Fiverrttastic Day!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

new on the scene

 Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
 I have a Fiverr seller who just contacted me directly on Facebook wanting me to mention him in Fiverrtastic. I know I was going to write about someone else but I can still write another blog. I like to write blogs anyways. He really needed to get some recognition and I thought it would be nice to write a blog and give him a nice shout out. he's been on 12 days, 18 gigs and has 100% rating  Check out this gig he will create a funny facebook timeline fanpage with lots of Humour that will go VIRAL for $5. This seller seems really nice and seems like he would help anyone make a lot of money. He can help you with your website and social networking needs. Here's a few of his gigs you should check out: I will show you how to get over 40,000 facebook likes on your fanpage for pennies for $5 , I will tell you how to Generate 100dollars daily from youtube views for $5, I will get you unlimited REAL website traffic from youtube for $5 . 
If you need help creating a fan page or website, getting your page noticed, or wanting to learn how to make money online this seller is for you. He has literally some of the most innovative gigs. You should check out some of these gigs here's his seller link: Give him a try you will be very impressed. I have one suggestion for your gigs miskopro though. You have a repeat of a gig. Get rid of the one that has no rating that hasn't got an order yet and replace it with a tip gig. Besides that you have a lot of nice gigs. I hope to see you become a level one or level 2 seller really soon.
Until next time everyone have a Fiverrtastic day. :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just An FYI

 Dear Fiverrtastic readers,
Tonight I come to you to explain there is no blog about a new Fiverr seller. But, there will be one tomorrow hopefully. I just didn't get the chance to write one today and I am still trying to digest the overwhelming information I was given at my dr's appointment. I have a shunt for a brain condition called Hydrocephalus. It's where fluid builds up in my head and My head has no way of relieving it without an artificial valve. Well I have known for awhile what the doctor told me this morning. The shunt has not been properly working in a few years and fluid is gradually building up. I need surgery to replace the shunt. Not what I wanted to hear. But I will be fine. just remember this quote: Courage conquers all things: it even gives strength to the body. (Ovid) . There's a time in our lives when we all must be strong and this is my time to be strong. I haven't had my shunt fixed in 27 years, but in the last few years it has been in need of being fixed. No doctor has wanted to admit it needed to be fixed until now. 

I will have a new blog tomorrow. here's her link check her out. She's taking Fiverr by storm with 35 orders in queue with just 2 gigs. She's only been on Fiverr about 5 days! She's a voiceover artist and minor celebrity as well. So be prepared for a new blog tomorrow. :) Have a Fiverrtastic Night.

Monday, April 9, 2012

stop spending, start saving!

 Do you want to save money but not sure exactly how. Did you know there's a lot of gigs on fiverr will people will advise you on how to save money. One seller I came across by sheer accident will "teach you how to save money on airline tickets using my 3 savvy online research techniques for $5.You're probably thinking to yourself that this type of advice is too good to be true and who is this seller. The sellers username is Qualitycounts and believe me the gigs he has are quality. This seller is one of those advice savvy sellers and I don't think he should be limiting himself to 4 gigs. He has so much potential. Some of his other gigs are how to get unlimited free royalty/stock images, expert opinion on a blog or website, and how to add anyone on linkedin without In Mail. The travel advice gig could probably be the most useful though because people are always trying to find ways to save time and money. This guy has been an avid traveler for 12 years and found that travel websites themselves don't "save" you money. The travel sites give you that comfortable illusion you saved money. This 3 technique method with PDF and screenshots will help you along your way. Whether it's to Italy or to see the Taj Mahal...any vacation is affordable and achievable if it's in your budget. 

Qualitycounts I got some advice for you:
Put up a tip gig
Put up a few new gigs (you can have up to 20)
Add videos to a few of your gigs. (people love videos)

Besides that you're off to a great start. level 1 after 4 months and only 4 gigs...that's not bad.  Hope to see you become a level 2 seller or a very busy level 1. 

Check out Qualitycounts today! You'll be glad you did. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Color Me Silly!

 Do you need an awesome drawing gig but not sure which one to order. You want one that's just out of the ordinary about everyday objects like food or inanimate household products? Well you should order from alyssaerin. This seller is the most unique buyer I have ordered from in awhile and she is taking Fiverr by storm. She will literally make an object of your choice come to life. Literally, I was thinking to myself when i first seen her gig now way what do people seen in this gig. so i contacted her and asked her lots of questions. She was friendly and answered them too. She literally made my ordering experience an awesome one. Now granted I had to wrangle with fiverr over the order because of problems with paypal. Fiverr support came through and refunded me and she still completed my order in 3 days when i placed my order. She has 2 gigs and a tip gig and she is a level 2 seller. Unbelievable I know! But this girl is as popular as my Fiverr friend Tofupanda. Alyssaerin will literally keep in contact with you about your order and if you have an image she will work from that if she needs to. I sent her a pair of headphones for reference and said i wanted them to look angry kinda like skull candy. OMG I loved the result she came back with a look almost like if World Industries made headphones. All i did was send a clip art of headphones and tell her a specific color scheme. 

Ok this is where I become the devils advocate for a minute. Alyssaerin, you have amazing gigs, but you should add a few more in the future. Maybe ones involving people? Also, I want to say this, make a video presentation. a showcase type just showing your work for your 2 gigs. people love videos. I also want to say kudos to you for being here only 2 months and being a level 2 seller. It's an amazing feat. You'll be top rated seller in no time possibly. Tofu pulled it off quite quickly. I myself will probably never be because of little mistakes in the past with negative reviews and a few force cancels. But, i'm happy with the order i get. You are amazing though and I admire your determination, skill, and tenacity! Check out the work she sent me if you're unsure still.

Until next time Have a Fiverrtastic day readers. I may write again tonight if I get a chance or definitely tomorrow. the seller I will discuss tomorrow has been itching to get his gigs noticed. He wants to show you how to save money. :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Birthday,,,Mr. President

 Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
Ok I'm writing a blog when I should be working on gigs. Oh well my buyers can wait. I want to discuss this awesome seller I found. I got dibs on her first...I found her first Fiverr Facebook page, you just want to share her with everyone because she's featured on your front page. I have to admit she has an amazing gig. Ok, what is the gig you ask. This seller will sing to your recipient impersonating Marilyn Monroe. She looks and sounds the part too. Ok so your saying to yourself Anonymous blog writer guy WTF is her username. Her seller username is Voiceworkpro. She can only be found exclusively on Fiverr and she is very talented. But, there's always a but, she is going to notice a massive overload of orders on this one gig and in order to stay on track she needs to manage time. Ya and time is of the essence if she plans on keeping this a 1 day gig.  I mean c'mon who doesn't want to have Marilyn Monroe sing to them. I don't have a birthday coming up anytime soon but can someone order this for me. :)

Ok this is where i get brutal, Voiceworkpro I think you should change your lead time to 3 days or even 5 days as soon as you start getting higher demand. Believe me people will still order you represent a peace of nostalgic history. Maybe you could do testimonials as another gig. Who wouldn't like to see a pretty face like yours in front of the camera advertising their product. Oh, and another thing you could do is maybe offer a tip gig. people are more prone to tip if you have a tip gig. it looks better later on to have more gigs on your page. Like say when you want to suspend almost everyone but like 1 and the tip gig and regular customers have order requests they will use the tip gig to make multi-gig orders. You're professionalism will get you far in this business. I see you becoming a level 2 seller in a month. While it's undetermined when and if you'll become a top rated seller anytime soon, the way you already have 4 good ratings and 5 sales in queue you're off to an excellent start. 

Everyone who reads this I want you to check out her gig. She is extremely talented! Again, her name is Voiceworkpro . You know the drill readers her picture is an active link and each time i mentioned her username I hot linked it. So you all have no excuse why not to check out the gig. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic one!

Gimme some likes :)

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Ok so I've discussed people who have given likes before or gotten the word out about my blog...but this seller was different. This seller's Username is Facebook_winner and believe me he's amazing. he has 110 active orders right now.  This seller promised 1700+ likes to your facebook page and to advertise your website or page on twitter to his 62,000 active twitter followers. I didn't believe it until i noticed likes coming in the same day I ordered. I was like WHOA! Some will just wait until the next day or until they feel like it to get around to an order like this because they have a large amount of active facebook and twitter followers who will like the page. Not this seller he pretty much had people liking my page constantly for 3 days straight. My activity went from 1250 likes to 2994. Ok, now some of you are probably thinking why would someone pay for likes. When someone sees an active page with massive likes their possibly going to like your page themselves. I constantly get the word out about my blog, my facebook page, and youtube page. I am constantly trying to make a bigger and better blog and revolutionize fiverr sellers one blog at a time. 

Ok Facebook_winner, You have an amazing gig! You also have amazing traffic to that gig. May I suggest one thing. Add 1 more gig or 2 and add a tip gig. Fiverr will upgrade you to a level one or level 2 seller based on sales so far. I imagine the amount of sales you have and the sales you're getting Fiverr will promote you to level 2. Just add a few new gigs. And if they don't upgrade you when you complete some sales or update your gig profile contact them...they don't bite. You do an amazing job and you're very nice. I see this seller as a productive level 2 seller or an amazing top rated seller in no time. Watch out other TRS who advertise friend requests/facebook likes. 

If you haven't checked out Fiverr yet what are you waiting for! everyone has some sort of talent you can make money off. The question is "What are you willing to do for $5?" . Until next time have a fiverrtastic day! :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Simply Amazing Enough Said!

 Ok So I was frantically searching for a gig to talk about a few days ago and I found the most exciting gig. This gig was surprisingly only $5 when the customer could sell it for $25 but he is not like some sellers who I will not name who charge three $50 gig extras plus 1 gig to do most of there order. This seller seems to do the work not for the money but for the prospect that when he knows you're happy you'll be back or you'll tip him. Now that's smart business. Who's this seller do you ask? His username is Artofseo and he is a level 2 seller with a 99% rating. This seller is amazing with animated video intros and presentations. He can do things that I can only imagine doing. I was so amazed by how thorough his order is. For the order I ordered he wanted me to fill out an excel sheet and send the images all in a zip and provide any other ideas. I always tell people use their own creative ideas after i give a small request if i have one. It's better that way let's their creativity flow! I suggest you check out artofseo today if you want an awesome into video. Check out his other gigs too because he's got some other cool gigs too.

I didn't want the music to Artofseo's into so I contacted my friend Guitario. a long time ago I featured Guitario and a seller called Giventodesign who no longer sells on Fiverr create a "custom creationz" intro. refer to this blog: . (still one of the most popular blogs to this day)  I ordered one of Guitario's newest gigs that needed some love. no one had been ordering it at all and it was sitting there for a few weeks. He will create a piano composition for you for $5. just give him an idea of how you want the piano composition to sound and he will create it. For 30ish seconds it's $5 and for about a minute or so of playing it's $10 and so on. This guy is skilled and he delivered my piano work in about 20 minutes. that's less time than a pizza. He was planning on going on vacation for a few days so he wanted to get some of his gigs done but that's insane! If you want to order from a true professional and want the work done thoroughly and are willing to wait a week or less depending on the queue order from Guitario. The guy is insanely gifted. I don't know why you and Lana don't start a band Chris but you need to.

So for $5 on Artofseo's gig and $10 on Guitarios gig because I tipped him I mad a video that turned out something like this:

There is no winners yet for my 5 coupons so if you can give me a link to someones fiverr gig for a gig I haven't featured I will give a coupon for a free gig extra with the purchase of a gig. Just put it on the fiverrtastic page and the first five will get a coupon to send as an attachment when they order a gig. Until next time Have a Fiverrtastic Day!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fiverr Support is Fiverrtastic

I just want to put this out there...Fiverr support is amazing. I don't like to bother them they probably got a million other things to do sometimes but there are a select few support I want to say thank you to. Julia and Ryan you are my main squeezes you answer me at least 50%-60% of the time when I send out support tickets. Jenny, You literally responded and cancelled an order in like 5.3 seconds...well not that quick. But you answered back and took care of my order faster than I've ever seen. Max, You're always so friendly and like to chime in and help whenever you can. Jay i've worked with you once and you're very good too.  Rueben, you're usually the first to answer the request. I don't know who you are but WOOWWW. you send these people a request and the request is answered immediately. Seriously, I don't know if your all running on RedBull like Sammy C, but when you say Fiverr never closes and you're open 25/8 you mean it! I just want to say thank you! Give support a helping hand and be patient they will handle your ticket as soon as they can and handle it with efficiency! Until tomorrow everyone have a Fiverrtastic Day!:)

A Zombie to Bring Forth the Apocalypse

Are you looking for a zombie video for your next advertisement? Maybe you want a happy birthday wish? Maybe you want to scare a friend? or maybe you want to propose to someone is a really messed up way. Well have I got the seller for you. I think you should check out Fiverr seller kristylynn. She is a Top rated seller but she doesn't mind only getting $5, $10, or $15 dollar order when most TRS try and milk you dry. Believe me i see some that try and milk you for $50 or more. This seller is amazingly talented with all of her videos that she does. Ok so here's the skinny. I ordered one Zombie video. I paid $15 dollars at first When the original price for full zombie is $45. I also gave another $10 because i ordered a wrong gig. The total i paid is $25 versus $45 or more. She delivered 3 videos. That is what a Fiverrtastic seller does. She went above and beyond what a seller should do. She could have made just 1 good video or 2 video but she made a into, middle and sent a cute ending. This seller really blew me away with her creativity so i went above and beyond and made a video montage and added royalty free sound fx and added text. Kristylynn has probably the most original stuff I've seen when it comes to videos. I would probably order from her again a few times. I urge you to check out her gigs.

If you've ever heard of Unicorn Poop cookies (picture above) she is the creator of that whole viral trend. Krystylynn I hope you patented that because that is all over the web. As far as suggestions on your gigs i got nothing. You are probably the hardest working Fiverr seller alongside Rinchen, professor puppet, and Arjun. There's a few others I didn't name, but Krystylynn you are without a doubt Fiverrtastic. I will be putting on my Facebook wall and on my youtube page. check out her videos she sent me that i made into a montage.

I'm putting this on my blog because no one is responding: The first 5 people to respond to this blog or on my Fiverrtasic facebook page and give me original gigs that i can feature on Fiverrtastic that haven't been featured I will offer a free gig extra with the purchase a a $5 or more gig. This is the deal of a lifetime. Just a response with a gig link and you will get a bonus add on to your gig purchase. It can even be your gig! Act now! Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Color Me Beautiful

 Ok. So I was doing some random gig searching on Fiverr. Happens a lot I know. When I came across the most amazing seller, This seller literally blew me away with his artistic skill. Ir was original and creative and something I could use as a facebook image if I wanted. All I had to do was send a High Resolution photo. No problem. The sellers Username is desainoke and he will turn your photo into patrick nagel style for $5. The picture up at the top is a sample. Hopefully the seller doesn't mind I posted it. This seller has many gigs like this but this gig anf the realistc cartoon gig were the ones that piqued my interest and made me salivate. I thought to myself oh ya this sellers got talent. desainoke is a Top Rated Seller.  
 Ok before I go further I don't want to be accused by anyone who doesn't read my blog regularly or only sees my Facebook page from afar; I am not a spammer and I do not just promote Top Rated Sellers. I think all sellers are worthy of a blog, but Top rated sellers struggle with getting orders sometimes just like sellers that are level 1, level 2, or people who haven't even been promoted yet. I have seen Top Rated Sellers who haven't seen orders for days and then get slammed with orders so much their heads spin. I'm a level 2 and I can't keep up with My orders. and then I complete them and have to wait for a few days sometimes too see 1 or 2. I'm lucky I can keep up with orders and write a daily or semi daily blog.

here's the pic he made me:


I think this seller deserves to be fiverrtastic because he's sometimes actually drawing the image and then coloring it digitally and other times he's creating it totally by hand. And his leadtime is extremely short. I had this in about a day and he offered revisions and i said no revisions were necessary I loved it. You should order from him today. I got no advice for desainoke but to put a few more gigs up if you haven't filled up your quota and put up 1 or 2 more gig extras in your tip gig your a TRS you can put up to $50 if you want. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Talk Turkey To Her!

Do you have a business and need a slogan? Need the slogan fast and want it from a professional. Ok there is quite a few people on Fiverr that offer business services but wouldn't you like to get help from someone with 20+ years of experience. This seller will deliver 2 or more ad agency  slogans or taglines for your company in 24 hours. I can't even do that. I take 4 days to develop 10 business names or slogans and taglines. The sellers ID name is Riverman007. Honestly, if you can't come up with a tagline or slogan and need it fast...which most people want things in the here and now, you should order from her. She is a level 1, 100% rating, and has had 30 positive orders? why is she not a level 2 fiverr! seriously!!! after 10-20 sales she is supposed to have an upgrade. Riverman007 I would be contacting fiverr support and tell them to get off their duffs and promote you. Here's some other suggestions:

1)Promote a few of the gigs that aren't selling
2)get rid of ones that you don't think aren't going to sell and put up new ones
3)put up a business naming one to go with the slogan one.
4)add gig extas
5)put up a tip gig!

You are an amazing seller and you got lots of talent maximize your gigs you can do up to 20. Believe me the more you have the more people will notice you! Readers check out Riverrman007 you won't be disappointed!  Until next time Everyone have a Fiverrtastic day!