Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Two thumbs up for Joeman101
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Today I come to you with a really neat gig. This seller is the go to guy for your video, audio, and graphic needs. He has a gig where he will work on your project needs for a video, audio, presentation or print graphic. The sellers name is joeman101 and he's only been on Fiverr 30 days and already doing good. I think that he should actually be getting orders on the one gig he wanted me to promote, but surprisingly he isn't. It's a shame too. I usually don't write or feature non rated sellers or sellers with little experience very often.
But, I was in this guys shoes once. We all were at some point and finally someone gave us a chance. It took a few people to believe in my gigs before I actually got where I am today. I don't have the best percentage, but my average stays steady at 94% and I always get orders. I am a sucessful level 2 seller. I always get order requests and messages on a daily basis too. I think we tend to overlook the new buyers and head to buyers with more experience sometimes. joeman101 has my vote when it comes to a creative gig with a nice setup and nice description. He gets 2 thumbs up!
joeman101 This is where I start to play devils advocate. Ok you have me promote you virtual assistant gig yet you have it listed completely wrong in the keyword section. It covers more than just photography and photoshop. Try listing it as business and virtual assistant. Change a few of the keywords too. another suggestion would be to create a few new gigs. Don't do a logo gig it's been over done. Maybe a poster gig, newsletter gig, presentation gig if you dont have one, or maybe even a few writing ones. Seriously I see some potential in you. I want you to become a level 1 or level 2 seller so get to work. Get out there and promote yourself too. Go to the Fiverr forum and even contact people on the requested gigs section looking for jobs. The more exposure you get, the more longterm clients you'll land.
For anyone wanting to check out some cool gigs check out joeman101 and you'll be glad you did. This seller has some really nice gigs and he's rated 100%. Keep up the awesome work joeman101. Never mind the silly graphics, they are there to distract attention from the constant flow of text. Ohhh by the way I will be working on the newsletter this week. I am also going to be rolling out new stuff on the website soon. I have given up all hope on editing it and thinking about having a professional on Fiverr Until next blog have a Fiverrtastic day!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Despite her seller average, this seller rocks
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
I came across an amazing seller here on Fiverr. Her name is jaynuary and despite her average here on Fiverr, she has made a ton of sales. She has literally revolutionized what it takes to be a determined seller in this field. She has an 83% and when I first met her it was in the high 70% average. I kid you not. The reason she lost a lot of clients and sales plumetted was her camera broke and that can happen to anyone. Just remember that, no one is invincible here on Fiverr and customer relations are important. Force cancels or customer late cancels will kill your score. I know that first hand. I haven't been able to get my score to move past 94% in months. This seller makes some awesome videos and the samples speak for themselves. You need to check out her gigs today.
Here is a video of hers:
January I have a few suggestions. Until you become a levels seller if you do soon add some upsells in the gig description that people can pay for by ordering more gigs. Things like script writing, HD, or different settings. If you have other ideas come up with new gigs people will eat it up. And lastly, maybe you can do a voiceover gig if you have a mic.
Well I just want everyone to know I am thinkg up ideas for my newsletter and I just need to create it. If you want to be updated please subscribe to the blog and be the first to know about it instantly. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic Day!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Behind The Gig...Caiterz
This seller is inspiring. She is a level 1 seller working on Fiverr to attempt to make a living and to work from home. She lost her job due to medical reasons. Now she is just trying to make a living slowly but surely one gig at a time. The sellers name is Caiterz and she is a really nice seller and her gigs are very original.
1) Where did you hear about Fiverr? What was your first gig?
I was doing research on another user for feedback... when trying to buy a video game off of them from livejournal.
My first gig was someone who wanted me to design a logo for their powerpoint presentation. A fake business called Big Bobs BBQ
2) How many orders do you receive per week?
On average, like 1/3 of an order, lol. I dont get many orders, unfortunately.
(Maybe when busines picks up things will get better)
3) How do you promote your gig?
Post in the forums, that's about it.
(You might want to try more than just forums. Something as simple as getting someone to blog about you, making a facebook business page, or making a youtube page may help tremendously.)
4) About how long does it take to complete your gigs?
Depends. Usually anywhere from 1 hour to... over 35 hours :x
(You should never spend over half an hour to an hour on a $5 gig)
5) What are your goals when you become a level 2 seller?
WHEN I become one? To keep selling.. TO become one? Hopefully more promotion/editing of keywords.
(in order to get more sales I would constantly keep your gigs edited and try and find the best keywords possible that fit the gig)
6) What have you invested in your gigs already? Is there a lot of overhead cost involved in your gig.
Absolutely nothing. lol. I've used what I've always had.
(Just an FYI you cannot expect not to invest anything. Another idea is that if you don't invest money, invest time getting your name out there. Also make sure you constantly update your gig. It keeps the gigs fresh.)
7) What is one key piece of advice you would offer new sellers here on Fiverr?
Always OD on Fiverr ;3 lol
That's some really good advice! So remember everyone check out Caiterz gigs today! Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Behind the gig...stevebraun
Hey Fiverrtastic readers this is my first blog in my new series called "Behind The Gig". Almost the same concept as my top rated sellers series but they are different questions targetted towards level 1 and level 2 sellers. My first seller I would like to talk about is one I just recently talked about. He is a level 1 seller who sells gigs about product research. The seller is stevebraun and he really does have some amazing gigs. I wrote up a panel of questions, one set for level one and one set for level 2. Here are the questions and the answers he gave me below.
1) Where did you hear about Fiverr? What was your
first gig?
From Israel's leading Business newspaper called Globes.
(He didn't answer the next part of it so I imagine it was one of the gigs i discussed)
2) How many orders do you receive per week?
10 -15
3) How do you promote your gig?
I need to be more
proactive about promoting my Gigs but have started to work on this by using
Facebook and hiring you to write something about my Gigs in your blog.
4) About how long does it take to complete your
Depends, anywhere
from 30 minutes to a couple of days depending how complicated the request from
the Buyer is.
5) What are your goals when you become a level 2
6) What have you invested in your gigs already? Is
there a lot of overhead cost involved in your gig.
I have invested no
money but a lot of time and energy thinking about what Gigs to offer .
7) What is one key piece of advice you would offer
new sellers here on Fiverr?
Be able to deliver
professionally what you promise in a prompt & timely manner and to be
courteous to your buyers.
Remember to check out stevebraun and all of his gigs today. Believe me you won't be disappointed. This seller can help you with all your international business needs. Until next time Have a Fiverrtastic day!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Twenty Thousand is Nothing to Clown About
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Ok so I ordered off an amazing Fiverr seller who you all may be familiar with. She is the seller who is on my header and she has been featured on Tosh.0. Yes i'm not clowning around it's Cindiva aka giggle blossom the virtual party Fiverr clown. She is my spokeswoman to ring in the new year and help me deliver the message that Fiverrtastic has reached 20,000 views. Mostly all of them are organic views either with help from Fiverr sellers or from my fan page and social networking. I have not been able to get a large community of subscribers and active commenters yet, but I got tons of ideas for that! I think a newsletter will be an awesome can thank my friend Oldbittygrandma for that idea. So, if you have ideas for the newsletter or if you want to subscribe get a hold of me. without further ado here's Giggle blossom with a message to you about Fiverrastic.
Giggle Blossom I can't thank you enough for this. Thank you so much! Remember everyone the more subscribers and the more people we have reading about Fiverr sellers the more popular Fiverr becomes. Stay informed and keep entrepreneur work prosperous by keeping this blog active. I won't stope writing as long as I have sellers to talk about. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Internet research on a shoestring budget
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Sorry it's been so long since last blog. I have been trying to keep up with a daily or semi-daily blog but the last week has just been hectic. Do you need someone to act as a research assistant. Well if you do stevebraun is the Fiverr seller to buy from. He has 2 different gigs I would like to give a mention to. The first gig is he will source-any-product-you-need-from-china-or-hong-kong. Are you looking to research a product that's made in China. well then this gig is for you. If you're trying to understand customer relations between you and you Asian business partner, then this gig is for you. Many people do business with imported goods and the main countries they conduct business with is China and Japan. In order to undertand your Chén, Huáng, Wáng, or Liú friends you must understand their business. So this gig is truly for the business savvy who either wants to learn about an Asian importer or a competitor.
stevebraun also helps businesses find and source the special product(s) that they are looking for overseas from exotic places such as China, Hong Kong,Turkey or even Israel. I provide them with the contact information of the factorys that are verified and reliable and can also negotiate with them to get a price quote as well.
The next gig I want to talk about is he will conduct-internet-research-on-any-topic. This looks like a very popular gig right now. He has 2 orders currently and he has had 11 positive ratings. This gig looks very promising. If you want gigs on culture and business this sellers gigs are for you. You really need to check out this sellers gigs if you're a big or small business owner trying to learn more about international relations.
stevebraun this is the part of the blog where I play devils advocate. I like all your gigs or most of them anyways. But, here's the thing there will come a time when you realize which ones are selling and which ones aren't. give it a month or maybe a few months and you will see which ones are selling. The ones that aren't selling either delete them or suspend them. I really think you should put up a private investigation or virtual assistant gig. I have got 1 order off my virtual assistant gig so far. The seller hasn't rated me but I got an order. You need to get your feet wet and try out different things. You look like you have some amazing gigs. Just have fun with it and you will go far. I will definitiely be catching up with you soon to see if you have become a level 2 yet.
Next blog I will be talking about Fiverrtastic and how it has reached over 20,000 views. So keep an eye out for that blog. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Be on the lookout
Hey Fiverrtastic readers
Lately I have been coming to you with top 5's because I'm trying to switch things up a bit. Today, I want to talk about video testimonial sellers who are making great strides here on Fiverr. These are the top 5 video testimonial sellers making an impact on Fiverr right now.
# 5 mingmingdiensty This seller is lol funny and I can't get enough of him. His gig "I will record a voice over or video of me speaking in an Asian accent for $5" makes me bust a gut. I see this seller dancing gangnam style straight to the bank soon.
#4 darville This seller is #4 because he has had a ton of completed orders, but his last delivered on a testimonial gig was a month ago. He has one in queue on 1 of his gigs i see right now. But he has a lot of experience and he's a level 2 seller. He also does guitar lessons and many other gigs too.
#3 kandisandiego This seller is amazing! her gig count is always high and so is her energy. She is a level 2 seller who looks like she is always busy. Keep on the look out for her. I think her testimonial gig is very enegetic and so cool. Best of luck to her in the near future.
#2 cindiva or better known as giggle blossom the clown. She was featured on Tosh.0. How many others have been featured on that show. Her gig where she will dress up as a clown and deliver a message makes me smile everytime I see it and when i see the clip on Tosh.0 it makes me laugh. Check her out now.
#1 would have to be rinandkagura because these 2 girls are the hardest working girls on Fiverr hands down. Their gigs are so cool I love their dialogue between 2 girls gig. It is so funny! I think these 2 have a future in doing actual commercials or acting. Keep up the good work girls.
Well that's it for this edition . I'm not sure what next blog will be but we're so close to 20,000 views it's within Fingertips so I was thinking about ordering a video testimonial. I think Cindiva is the best choice but not sure yet. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!
Lately I have been coming to you with top 5's because I'm trying to switch things up a bit. Today, I want to talk about video testimonial sellers who are making great strides here on Fiverr. These are the top 5 video testimonial sellers making an impact on Fiverr right now.
# 5 mingmingdiensty This seller is lol funny and I can't get enough of him. His gig "I will record a voice over or video of me speaking in an Asian accent for $5" makes me bust a gut. I see this seller dancing gangnam style straight to the bank soon.
#4 darville This seller is #4 because he has had a ton of completed orders, but his last delivered on a testimonial gig was a month ago. He has one in queue on 1 of his gigs i see right now. But he has a lot of experience and he's a level 2 seller. He also does guitar lessons and many other gigs too.
#3 kandisandiego This seller is amazing! her gig count is always high and so is her energy. She is a level 2 seller who looks like she is always busy. Keep on the look out for her. I think her testimonial gig is very enegetic and so cool. Best of luck to her in the near future.
#2 cindiva or better known as giggle blossom the clown. She was featured on Tosh.0. How many others have been featured on that show. Her gig where she will dress up as a clown and deliver a message makes me smile everytime I see it and when i see the clip on Tosh.0 it makes me laugh. Check her out now.
#1 would have to be rinandkagura because these 2 girls are the hardest working girls on Fiverr hands down. Their gigs are so cool I love their dialogue between 2 girls gig. It is so funny! I think these 2 have a future in doing actual commercials or acting. Keep up the good work girls.
Well that's it for this edition . I'm not sure what next blog will be but we're so close to 20,000 views it's within Fingertips so I was thinking about ordering a video testimonial. I think Cindiva is the best choice but not sure yet. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Top 5 Reasons you should work at Fiverr
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
For many of you you either read this blog and don't know what Fiverr is or you don't know the potential money you could earn! That's a screenshot of Fiverr. I want to give you the top 5 Reasons you should work for Fiverr.
5) You can make money for your services $5 at a time. Five may not be a lot but if you're good at selling it can add up quick!
As you can see I have made almost $3500 to date here on Fiverr
4) Fiverr is EXPANDING so it's no longer just $5. If you prove you're a good seller you can earn hundreds of dollars a week. Level 2 sellers can sell $20 and $40 gig extras and Top rated sellers can sell $50 and $100 gig extras. My average sale is sometimes more than $5 but it depends on the person. sometimes they order a $5 gig and if they like my service they come back with an even larger order.
3) Fiverr has a Forum so you can actually meet a lot of sellers and talk about thier gigs and what they do. You can literally establish new friendships and possible new clients.
2) Fiverr is the only gig site that is expanding everyday where people are actually making good money doing what they love. It may take a few months to start seeing some money rolling in but don't give up.
1) You can literally work from home as a level 2 or top rated seller and possibly quit your job or reduce your hours at work. How many places do you know that you can work and make your own schedule.
So why not try giving Fiverr a chance. And if you don't have a service or handmade good to sell why not look around and order. Ordering on Fiverr will actually benefit you in the long run because you're saving money on quality products and services. People have even made music videos, popular youtube videos, advertisements, and popular logos here on Fiverr. Give someone on here the chance to impress you today. It's Christmas time there are a lot of cool gigs out right now. What are you wating for go now! .
Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day all.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Christmas got a little easier with Fiverr
Hey Fiverrtastic Readers,
Today I come to you to talk about Christmas. Some of you may wonder hmmmm may there be one with the whole Mayan Apocalypse crap. Just keep happy thoughts and realize that we as humans survive everything and anything. Christmas is coming! We survived the millenium, 060606, and even Huricane Sandy. Let's just focus on Christmas. Ok, so on Fiverr there are a whole bunch of different gigs you can order that are cool gifts for any occasion...but especially to bring yuletide cheer. I will list 5 of my Favorite gigs you should order right now for a loved one for Christmas
5) This one is my Favorite. It's called a Wigglo Pet. It's a fake caterpillar you don't have to feed. You get a large one and a junior sized one with your order. The sellers name is Lewski711 and she is a seller on Fiverr with her mom i think. All of the gigs this seller has are so cool. Check them out.
4) Keep the dream alive and send your child on a magical journey with a Willy Wonka Replica Gold Ticket. Maybe it's not a child and maybe it's a huge fan. Whoever it is they will love the different gigs she has to offer. The username is Elfstacy and she has some amazing gigs. Check them out today!
3) The next one I want to mention is Professorpuppet! How can I forget the professor. He did an amazing video for me when my blog reached 10k views. He has a special Christmas video gig for a limited time only. You need to go check it out and order from him today. His videos are superb! If you haven't heard of him and you heard of Fiverr you live under a rock in a cave. I don't have the video to the christmas gig so just click on the link or the picture.
2) Another seller you should be familiar with from reading my blog is Breka27. He creates some amazing hand drawn works in his own graffiti or grunge like style. I have ordered off him 2 times and I could order off him every week and still be amazed more than the last. He has a gift for art and if you aren't ordering from him stop waiting and order now!
1) This seller is an amazing seller near and dear to my heart. She makes amazing masterpieces. I have only ordered off her once, but I plan to order again in the near and coming future. If you haven't guessed by now a top 5 would not be complete without Madmoo. She literally epitomizes what it means to be a freelancer in my humble opinion. There are many other sellers who fit that same bill. But Angie has that quality that others seem to lack. She always comes up with new gigs on the fly and she knows how to sell to the customer. Kinda like myself and a few other I met, Angie can literally convince people to buy something just because of the aestetic quality and not for a need. She could sell cocoa on a hot summer afternoon because people like her personality!
Today I come to you to talk about Christmas. Some of you may wonder hmmmm may there be one with the whole Mayan Apocalypse crap. Just keep happy thoughts and realize that we as humans survive everything and anything. Christmas is coming! We survived the millenium, 060606, and even Huricane Sandy. Let's just focus on Christmas. Ok, so on Fiverr there are a whole bunch of different gigs you can order that are cool gifts for any occasion...but especially to bring yuletide cheer. I will list 5 of my Favorite gigs you should order right now for a loved one for Christmas

So there you have it. I will discuss some more christmas ideas or other gifting ideas in a new blog coming soon. I also plan on updating my site and updating the blog some more. If anyone knows anyone who has some blog subscription gigs let me know. I need to come up with some questions to send my level 1 and level 2 seller friends for my next blog series. Well I have some article orders to do now. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day. :)
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Singing like you've never seen before
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
I told you I had a really cool gig in store for you and that I do. This seller can sing with her mouth closed. I don't know if it's considered throwing your voice or she's just really skilled. The sellers name is Metalriot and she is a laugh out loud riot. I absolutely love her gig because it's innovative and original and that's what I look for here at Fiverrtastic. Metalriot's gig is a Christmas gig so I imagine it's only here for a limited time. So I wanted to blog about it as quick as I could. She also has a "Happy Birthday" singing gig where she will sing happy birthday with her mouth closed. Don't get this mistaken for humming. You need to watch the video and listen. She is projecting her voice. I think it's awesome. I think there should be more creative gigs like this.
Check out the video below:
Metalriot I have some suggestions for you. You could try offering other musical gigs like singing parts of popular songs or coming up with different creative video gig ideas. I imagine that any gigs you come up with are going to be really cool. Any gigs you come up with just stop by my Fiverrtastic page on facebook and feel free to share them with all the different fans of the page. Seriously, you need to check out Metalriot's gigs they are so cool. My next blog I hope to feature a seller in my level 1 and level 2 series of sellers making an impact on Fiverr. I have a few lined up but I need to send out questions for them to answer. If you know of any sellers who are making an impact here on Fiverr feel free to share their gigs with me. comment on the blog or message me on the Fiverrtastic facebook page. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Behind the blog...what i do when i'm not writing
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Throughout this blog I realized that with all these blogs I have never discussed my own gigs. I have never talked about what I do when I don't blog. Call it self promotion or call it a blog biopic I want you all to see the gigs I offer. My username on Fiverr is Cust0mcr3ationz and at sometime or another I imagine I have mentioned it a few times. But what do I offer? I offer many different services ranging from logo design to article writing to marketing services for small businesses. I am a graphic designer, writer, and I am skilled in creative thinking. I have done other gigs in video animation and tarot card reading but the ones I have up right now have been the most sucessful. I guess you could say I am the type of guy who could sell ketchup popsicles in white gloves. I'm the guy you want to convince a CEO why you want to land a business deal. I have the gift of gab and the gift of persuasion. I have been like this all my life and although i don't always have steady daily sales on Fiverr I at least get 10-20 sales a week and sometimes they are more than just $5 sales.
I love what I do on Fiverr and to date I have almost completed 750 gigs. I have a 93% rating with most of my gigs at 100%. I think that from what I have learned here on Fiverr I can pretty much do anything. The friends I have met on here and the clients I have met are unbelievable. If you could have told me 2 yrs ago I could have made this kind of money and worked on my own I would have thought you were crazy! Now granted I would like to be recieving double or triple the amount of gigs I do but I am content with what I do get. It is like a part time job to me some weeks. A portion of the money goes straight back into my blog and into my websites. I am trying to get more clients outside of Fiverr but right now Fiverr is my clientelle. While on Fiverr I have been able to get a digital camera, a camcorder, I'm going to be upgrading my laptop again, I have gotten a tablet, and just many other odds and ends. Again if you're interested go check out my gigs at username Cust0mcr3ationz. Anyone who orders a gig within the next week and mentions keyword "FIVERRTASTIC" in their order gets a $5 free gig extra. Ya you heard me so all of you people still not ordering my blog or promotion gig I would take the opportuntity to order now.
Next time on Fiverrtastic my seller is going to be a surprise. This one is a really cool new seller. so be sure to check the blog out. Oh and I will be doing a feature about level 1 and level 2 sellers starting next week. so if you are or you know one who has made a big impact on Fiverr get a hold of me. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!
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