Sunday, May 26, 2013

Be Humble

 Hey Fiverrtastic peeps I'm back again.This is blog 5 of 365 (i believe), this one is straight from the heart. If you sell on Fiverr or have been kicking dust around Fiverr awhile you know of Sam Cornwell. He's the guy who you see when you upload a new gig and he's all throughout the site somehow. He's got a really nice Youtube vlog and he's done features for Fiverr. He promotes the Fiverr brand well.When I first started on Fiverr Sam reached out to me on Facebook and told me I had a lot of potential. He told me that the best way to become an even better seller was to become friends with other sellers. I may be paraphrasing things a little, but without Sam's Facebook group interaction and his involvement with me personally, I would just be another Fiverr seller lost in the crowd. Let me give you a piece of advice that involves 2 words..."BE HUMBLE". I know it sounds like something simple from "Charlotte's Web", but those 2 words have really stuck with me. On Fiverr no matter how big or small the job is ultimately the buyer hired you because of your finesse, charm, your skill, and your likeability. (Hopefully you read this Sam because I think the reason why I've built as much of a client base as I have is because of your nuggets of wisdom.) Don't deter customers away by making a total ass of yourself...believe me I've been in that situation. People hire freelancers on Fiverr not only because it saves money, it's because we represent real people. There are a ton of freelance websites, but many of them are crap...and many others try to mimic Fiverr.

Here's some things you can do to better your experience as a seller and create some lasting memories:
1) Interact with others on the Fiverr Forum
2) Interact with others on Facebook pages and groups pertaining to Fiverr
3) Give your customers the ultimate buyer experience so they come back again
4) Live for today and not any other day. Update your page and gigs often. When you need a break take time off.
5) Don't be afraid to make new friends. Fiverr is full of sellers and many are on Facebook and other social networking sites. I know I have a huge Fiverr family of friends.

Remember that Fiverr is not just a freelancing site, it's a community of skilled individuals. Make sure to help a fellow Fiverr seller out by recommending their services. If you can't do what the buyer wants recommend other sellers gigs that would best fit what they're looking for. A happy buyer is a buyer that ultimately comes back and brings all their friends the next time. Remember to be humble and always remember at the end of the day you can't please everyone, but you're bound to make someones day better. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day. :)

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, and for whatever it's worth, you were the first seller who took some time to get me straight on some things, and I appreciate it and have already begun to pay it forward when I had something to offer even newer newbies than myself. Nice blog!
