Tuesday, November 27, 2012

get more views and get better rankings

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Ok so awhile back I ordered a gig that promised to deliver 8,000+ views on a website in only a few days. these were organic views, not a bot or anything like that either. This was actual promotion of the site and actual people clicking on the site. In the past a few times I remember ordering from people and they would strictly use bot software, bot sites, or they would have a bunch of people randomly clicking away. The thing is google analytics keeps track of the amount of hits coming from one computer at any given time. The seller I ordered this great service from was pro_seo_service  and the gig was I will send over ★8000★ Unique Real Human Visitors to your LINK with Proof of the Traffic for $5. Now when he delivered the service he only delivered just shy of 7000 views according to google. But how many people do you know can get 7000 website views from actual people in less than 24 hrs with graphical proof and a link. I actually verified it by looking at my own stats. I am now only 390 views away from 20,000. I need to decide quickly who I'm going to have be the spokesperson for 20,000 views. I have a few ideas!

If you want to check out an amazing gig this is by far one of the few SEO gigs I would recommend to anyone. So go check it out now. It's only $5 what have you got to lose. This gig exceeded my expectations. I honestly didn't need this because I am on page 2 or 3 of most major search engines when you search Fiverr blogs. But, having those extra views is an extra boost. My next blog I'm not sure who I will be writing about yet. Been quite busy with my own gigs. I am an active level 2 seller on Fiverr myself. I am thinking about doing a series on level 1 and level 2 sellers who are making an impact on Fiverr. I have a few in mind right now but I have to get a hold of some. I want the series to be like my Top Rated Seller series. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Friday, November 23, 2012

virtually stand out from the crowd


Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Are you looking for a place to get cheap advertising. Are you trying to advertise your gig and not having much luck finding a good gig or a friendly serice to do so. Well what you need to do is check out this gig from seller daveoley This seller has some really cool gigs. I think that this seller could offer a few other different gigs too. But the 2 gigs they do offer are very nice. They even offer a link to show proof of how active your ad is. My ad has been clicked on 718 times since it's been put up just 8 days ago.
The gig is I will advertise your website for 30 days for $5 and this gig is simply amazing. There are a few other gigs like this out  there. I even offer a promotional gig and a blog gig for people trying to promote their gig. I guess people just need to look around really good before you decide to do web advertising. If not you might as well be tossing money out the window.


Heres a screenshot that was sent to me of my ad on the sellers website. My ad is on the left. I have looked on the site and the ad appears there randomly with other ads on the site. Next time I will talk about how you can get roughly 8000 website views for a fiverr. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Signature gig 2.0

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
I recently was looking for someone to make me a unique digital signature. (the picture above is just to illustrate the type ofsignature i was trying to avoid) I didn't want a hand drawn one you had too scan. I didn't want one where you one got 1 or 2 choices with a few revisions either. So I decided to order one where I got 4 different choices with different file types. The seller's name is shorya95 and he will design 4 killer Professional stylish Signature or Vectorise your signature for $5. I'm telling you right now you need to check this gig out. This seller is absolutely amazing! I am so happy with my signatures. I have decided on either using #'s 2 or 3. it's amazing what this seller was able to come up with.

shorya95 I'm surprised you're not currently a level 1 or level 2 seller. Your gigs are amazing and your portfolio is really nice. You did an amazing job on my order. I really don't have any suggestions for your seller profile except to put videos up and to update your gigs regularly. You have some really nice gigs and can't suggest much else.

Here is 2 of the signatures he sent me that i really like:

 Next time, I'll talk about a website advertising gig you can't afford to miss! Fiverrtastic is approaching 20,000 views and needs an unnoficial spokesperson to kick off the event. If you do testimonials and might be interested get a hold of me. The last Fiverr seller that kicked off 10,000 views was Professor Puppet. So get a hold of me if anyone is interested. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Anything you can do a puppet does awesome

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
I'm back to talk about a seller who has some really cool gigs. They have a variety of different puppets that they use to offer you a personalized video telegram. The sellers username is Puppetgrams and they are a really good level 2 seller who has taken Fiverr by storm! If you haven't heard of Puppetgrams yet you must live under a rock! Fiverr buyers are captivated by these puppets because of their originality and thier energy. Yes, there are other great puppet services out there, but they usually only have one or two services. This seller has a variety of puppets and a variety of services. My favorite puppet is Harold and right now he's only offering Harold and Harvey. I love Harold because he is just so off the wall crazy. I like Harvey because he's so crude and he tries to be the ladies man.  Check out these 2 videos of Harold's Birthday and Christmas gig. These videos are amazing. Check out these funny videos below.


What are you waiting for? You need to order today! It's like a singing telegram, but without the annoying singing. The seller is called Puppetgrams and they do amazing videos for any occasion. You will be in stitches laughing so hard at whatever you order.

Next blog I will talk about these awesome digital signatures I ordered. It was a true gem and a hell of a find! I only have about 500 views to go to reach 20,000 views. Who do you think should be the next Fiverrtastic spokesperson. If you  have ideas let me know via comment or via message on facebook.  Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Drawn out of the box

This last Top Rated Seller in my questionairre series is a doozy! She was a last minute reply and I really wanted her to answer back anyways. She is probably one of my top 5 favorite Fiverr sellers. Her username is uniquefivex and she does some really creative gigs. Her specialty is speedwriting and stopmotion based gigs. right now her studio is in disarray due to Hurricane Sandy but she is still able to do whiteboard animation. Mary is an amazing seller who I have been following since I wrote about her many months back. So follow me as I ask uniquefivex the same questions with some truly amazing answers back.

What is your highest selling gig and is it still active today?

- The gig I have the most orders on is my “Speed Color your Logo” video gig, which is currently inactive due to my work space being flooded by Hurricane Sandy. I plan to bring the gig back up when I have a new space set up to do these, hopefully sometime in December 2012! And ever since I got power back, I am able to run my new Digital Whiteboard Animation which is also pretty successful.

How do you promote your gigs? What has been the best method(s)?

-My “SpeedColor your Logo” video gig is featured on Fiverr, so it gets seen a lot more by buyers because of that.
(I love her speed color gig. It is so creative. I will have to order the whiteboard one maybe. Check out this example of a speed writing work she's done.
About how many orders do you receive on average per week?

- Between my Speed Coloring gig and my new Digital Whiteboard Animation gig, I can get about 20-30 orders per week.
(That is a very solid amount of gigs.)

What thought process goes into a new gig and how often do you try and create one?

- I think about what is popular currently, and pay attention to trends. I try to stay relevant and modern, putting myself in a buyers shoes and think “Would I want to buy this gig?”
(Pay attention newbies she's on to something. Copying gigs or putting up gigs too many other people already have can only hurt you sometimes. research your audience.)

How long does it take for you to complete a gig on average?

- It depends on how large the order is and how much content the buyer wants. I think it is fair to say I spend about 15 minutes per $5.
(She's faster than Dominos Pizza.)

Do you receive a lot of gig extras? How do you upsell your gigs?

- Yes, I would say that 80% of customers add on gig extras to their order. My sample gig shows what a video would look like with extras added, and I think that helps nudge buyers into purchasing them.
(Wow now that's customer service! a $5 service like this getting so many extras...that's awesome!)

If you’re late on an order how do you prevent a customer from performing a late cancel?

- Personally I have never been late for delivering an order, and the reason for that is because I make my turnaround time longer than I think I can deliver the video in.
(not even going to say anything...grrrr)

How often do you contact support about situations regarding a customer?

- I contact support probably about once every other week. Fiverr's support is extremely fast and helpful!
(I haven't got a hold of them in about a month. They're probablt glad that guy with the crazy spelled username hasn't came back yet! awesome job Mary)

What is your best and worst experience on Fiverr?

- I'd say my best experiences are when buyers let me have creative freedom, or give me some creative ideas for their video. My worst experiences are when buyers try to haggle with me and/or are picky, it is a real bummer!
(I hate hagglers! They just ruin your day!)

What advice would you give to a new seller or a seller who has been around awhile but not doing as well as they used to?

- Put yourself in the buyers shoes, and look at trends on Fiverr and on the web. Do something that not everyone is doing, but if you are doing something that is common, put your own personal spin on it.
(There ya go that's Mary in a nutshell)
My next blog I will be talking about Puppetgrams gigs. I will be back to doing what I do best and that's juding peoples gigs and giving them advice. I also bought gigs from 2 different sellers and want to discuss their gigs too. So, until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

He hasn't lost an arm yet, but he's lending a hand to you

Hey Fiverrtaestic Readers,
I'm back with another top rated seller who answered questions. You may remember him from Tosh.0. He has a thing for Fireworks, Chainsaws, Knives, Fire, and pretty much anything else dangerous that makes a normal person squeamish. He's like Criss Angel without the creepy magic. Yes I'm talking about Mr. Marcus. He is one of the most innovative sellers on Fiverr I have ever had the chance to discuss on my blog. He also has some very unique gigs that have to do with his trade, which is street performing. I asked him the same questions and got some very laidback answers that I was not expecting.

What is your highest selling gig and is it still active today?
Chainsaw – and my firework xmas gig is gonna kick in soon….
(I just featured his christmas fireworks gig on my page and I think he's gotten enough orders to supend it for now. When i looked last night he had like 2 or 3 orders.)


How do you promote your gigs? What has been the best method(s)?
Being a feature seller. That’s really it.
(There's gotta be something we can all do to advertise our gigs. I just had to buy from a web advertiser to promote my gig. Fiverr isn't there all the time to help us because theres like 1 million active gigs and counting.)


About how many orders do you receive on average per week?

Depends. 2-20


What thought process goes into a new gig and how often do you try and create one?
No thought, just trying shit out…

Sorry, stuff out.. I usually go for “whats the stupidest thing I can do, and then do

Something even stupider”.


 (Well that's an honest and noble answer. I don't want to lose my finger for $5 but Mr Marcus is a professional kids. just take a look at the Tosh.0 video)

How long does it take for you to complete a gig on average?
Depends, with extra (live juggle…) about 25 minutes, I need to cut that down though. I have revised my juggle gig so focus more on a generic video where I can just edit something in and don’t have to reshoot the whole video each time..

(sounds fun if only I could do video gigs...again i'm starting to see a pattern)


Do you receive a lot of gig extras? How do you upsell your gigs?

Yes – i.e. basic gig is the knife juggle but the extra is the chainsaw.

I do the same thing with the firework and the unicycle.


If you’re late on an order how do you prevent a customer from performing a late cancel?

Never late

 (I'm starting to see a pattern here)

How often do you contact support about situations regarding a customer?

3 times so far in over 700 videos/customers


What is your best and worst experience on Fiverr?
Worst – guy told me he paid for the extra – went back and forth, no you didn’t, yes I did. Bla bla….

Anyway, didn’t do the gig for several months, (really late) and then I found he had purchased the gig but didn’t “active” it.

Anyway, I did the gig, with the extra, sent it, perfect rating, but he still hasn’t activated the gig..

Oh well…


Best- my chainsaw juggle was on Tosh-O.

 (yes the Tosh.0 appearance was amazing!)

What advice would you give to a new seller or a seller who has been around awhile but not doing as well as they used to?

Nothing I can say. Its all about luck and having the right gig at the right moment.

Make a good video.

Try and be original (don’t copy my gigs!!!)

Be friendly and understanding of your customers.

Go the extra mile. Definitely go the extra mile.

Be Quick it will help you gain exposure and move up the levels.

Very informative thanks for all the help Mr Marcus! I was so happy you answered my questions. Tomorrow, I will be discussing questions from Uniquefivex. until then have a Fiverrtastic day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Arjun...the Sultan of speech


Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Welcome back to a third installment of ask a Top Rated Seller. I got Arjunrocks to answer these questions from his perspective, and belive me it was some quite wild answers! He was so ecstatic to answer the questions that he had them done in a jiffy. Arjun and I are really good friends on Facebook and we talk frequently. I was so amazed at the conversation we had. This guy is a total riot to talk to. Here is the answers he gave me to the questions below.

What is your highest selling gig and is it still active today? Highest selling gig is my Multi languages Traditional Attire Video Gig, which flashes image of India and India lovers likes it..yup, it is  still active today. http://www.fiverr.com/arjunrocks/record-a-hindi-or-english-video-testimonial
(This gig is an amazing gig! I love all of Arjuns gigs but I love how he can speak different languages. I have ordered his drunk gig before and he was quite convincingly drunk in the gig promoting my blog. Whether or not he was is another story?)

How do you promote your gigs? What has been the best method(s)? Promoting Gigs and that too at right time requires skills..When buyers orders you, Show him your other gigs, Request him to share this gig with his friends, facebook promotions is cool too and Most important have your Business cards always in pocket and if you realise that someone is worthy then just drop your card in her pocket.
(Well now that a lot of us are getting business cards hopefully we take advantadge of them. :) I ordered the business cards and they turned out awesome. If you haven't taken advantadge of them and you are a levels or top rated seller what the heck are you waiting for!)

About how many orders do you receive on average per week? Every week is not same, infact every day is not same but on average, I am not sure but it would be 25 above orders per week..Though I am having potential to do 1000 orders per week easily but Flow of orders is uncertain.

(Arjun has literally recieved more than 1000 orders since on Fiverr one of them inclusing mine. I truly love his work.)

What thought process goes into a new gig and how often do you try and create one?
ans- something really unique and out standing, which makes me stand out..i don’t think that this will affect my image as if it comes to business, one had to be very creative. My One gig in two months pops up.

How long does it take for you to complete a gig on average?
Hardly an hour, cause most of my gigs requires outdoor locations, so my bike and camera had to travel lot to cover these locations. Then Fast internet to Deliver work.

(Well that's pretty....when does this guy ever sleep!)

Do you receive a lot of gig extras? How do you upsell your gigs?
Not lot of, around 3 out of 5 orders would be having extras, some buyers like ordering basic gig many times easy so alls cool..

(I know how that is. Arjun has a very cool technique for recieving tips or upsells though...he over delivers. If the customer gives him a simple order he delivers in HD or does other services like that. Believe me, his video for me was awesome so I tipped him!)

If you’re late on an order how do you prevent a customer from performing a late cancel?
I am never late in Delivering order..Never means Never..
(Again why am I the only one who gets swamped with orders and sometimes delivers just before the deadline or late and has really nice customers.)


How often do you contact support about situations regarding a customer?
Very rarely, one out of 100 buyers is risky buyer so if things goes bad, Support Aka Big Brothers are always there to help you , if you are asking genuine help.
(I absolutely love support. I think Ryan and a few others know me too well.)

What is your best and worst experience on Fiverr?
Best Exp-Buyers asked me to make a love video for her girl,video was natural awesome and full of feelings. My love video was played in one hotel projector and that guy proposed to her, and She said yes…So couple is my good friend now and believes in me.
Just an
 Awesome feeling, I was Cupid..haahaa
Worst exp- yeah there was a buyer who ordered, I delivered , he asked for a re-do, I did, he blackmailed me to cancel order or he will leave negative feedback, I was bound to cancel.
 P.S- He still used my delivered product on his website. :(

What advice would you give to a new seller or a seller who has been around awhile but not doing as well as they used to?
- BE unique, Delivery should be on time, Be polite, after all Customer is God and be sincere not serious.
(Thank you for that nugget of knowledge Arjun! We all wish we could be more like you in some ways! I like to try and emulate my top rated seller friends and pass on my knowledge i learn from them.)

So that's Arjun in a nutshell. Hopefully I get another seller contacting me with a Q&A because if not I'll just be going back to doing what I do best and that's talking about peoples gigs. Oh and Fiverrtastic has reached a milestone 13,000 views. (not as many as I want but it's all good) I plan on getting just a little more exposure with a few web advertising gigs I want to order. But, I think Fiverrtastic has been doing just fine. We're on the 2nd and/or 3rd pages of most popular search engines when you search "Fiverr blogs". I actually have a few gigs I want to talk about and they will be coming up very soon. I think that doing a daily interview feature is helping out this blog tremendously. I think I might do a video vlog series or do interviews with level 1 and level 2 sellers. Completely different format and questions, but I'm thinking of something. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pop goes the Kymmy

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
In this edition of Fiverrtastic we will examine questions answered by the amazing, sultry, and seductive Kymmypops. Yes the one who made a wallpaper for the Fiverrtastic fanpage with her lips and a piece of paper. Kymmypops is a Top Rated Seller and has been awhile now and enjoying every minute of it. On her gig page she says she has completed  2200+ gigs. That is a hell of a lot of customers. I have only had just under 800. She has been having a lot of success with Fiverr since becoming a top rated seller and since doing lots of different creative promotion and advertising techniques. So I sent these panel of questions to a series of Top Rated Sellers not expecting all of them to answer. Come on, they're top rated and some of them are very busy. But, I have had 3 responses so far. Here is the answers I recieved from Kymmypops.

What is your highest selling gig and is it still active today?
My video testimonial gig, it was my first gig and it's still going strong today.

How do you promote your gigs? What has been the best method(s)?
I don't really promote my gigs but It's something I'd like to do more in the future. I've only recently started promoting my gigs a little on my facebook page (

About how many orders do you receive on average per week?
It varies and I don't really keep track of the number of orders. I keep track of revenue because you can get 1 order for $50 or you can get 10 orders for $5 each.

What thought process goes into a new gig and how often do you try and create one?
I'm constantly playing around with my gigs, testing what works and what doesn't and of course it's all free to do which is why I love Fiverr. I try and create a new gig once every couple of months but I don't think it's important to have 30 gigs going at one time. I concentrate on the ones that sell most, the ones I enjoy and seasonal gigs. I get ideas for new gigs from my current gigs, thinking how I could improve and sometimes customers.

How long does it take for you to complete a gig on average?
This varies too lol, it can take 10 seconds or it can take 10 minutes. It depends which gig this is, how detailed it is, how much work is involved behind the scenes, editing, my upload speed, if I'm having a bad day, it really depends on a number of factors.

Do you receive a lot of gig extras? How do you upsell your gigs?
I have a lot of customers who buy gig extras. I just see what is requested a lot, try selling it as a gig extra and if it makes me some sales, I keep it there. Some aren't so popular so I keep those options free. It's all about trial and error and what works for one person, isn't guaranteed to work for another.

(This is very informative because upselling is different for everyone. When I didn't have a level 2 rating i could still get people to order multiples like no tomorrow. it's all in how you approach a customer. Don't be afraid to offer more services and haggle with a customer.)

If you’re late on an order how do you prevent a customer from performing a late cancel?
I'm never late, LOL! I've been late once, but I was waiting for a product to arrive in the post. I just messaged the buyer, explained the situation and said they can re-buy or they can let the order over run but they had to promise not to cancel and I got their permission to delete their feedback if they did cancel.

(am I the only one that reaches late or almost late around here. I get a queue of like 10 or 20 orders and I go into panic mode.)

How often do you contact support about situations regarding a customer?
I try to only contact support when it's urgent or something I have no control over, but it's probably at least once a week... But this is normally due to cancellations, refunds, unresponsive or rude customers.

(I  haven't contacted them in awhile but I would every other day if I had to. They know me by UserID and face. The guy who asks silly questions or wants to avoid a mutual cancel. The picture below is me when a customer frustrates me.)

What is your best and worst experience on Fiverr?
My best is experience would probably have to be my first “big” sale when I became a Top Rated Seller, just such a great feeling, and the customer still returns each week for a video which is nice, I love returning customers :). My worst experience would have to be a very rude customer I had to deal with. They left me a negative which I couldn't get removed by Support so I had to grovel to them, apologise for them and re-film 3 times (with free gig extras) to keep them happy. It was only a $20 order, nowadays I would have refunded them but this was when I was earning a lot less.

What advice would you give to a new seller or a seller who has been around awhile but not doing as well as they used to?
For a new seller, I'd tell them to put up lots of gigs to help them find their niche. Don't copy others as this will just get your suspended lol, but you can see what's popular, take inspiration from it and make it your own. DON'T invest money into new gigs, let it naturally sell and grow.

For a seller whose not doing as well as they used to, I'd tell them not to worry. I get weeks where my sales drop and I panic but Fiverr is always up and down. Take a few days off to relax. Create a new gig. Analyse your old gigs, ask yourself, what can I do to improve this? If I was buying this gig, what would I like/dislike? How is mine better than my competitors? Maybe offer more value if it used to sell a lot but now isn't. If it's only been a few days/weeks, don't panic or drop the price. Maybe try promoting it? Get involved on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

And here are some questions I asked her later on in the night yesterday, before I decided to write the blog today

What other work do you do outside of Fiver or is Fiverr your only source of income?
Fiverr's my only source of income.

Would you ever quit working your current career to pursue working from home or launching you own business?
My current career is working from home on Fiverr, I used to be a waitress and I quit that for Fiverr. I would maybe like to have my own business one day in the future though.

What is the main reason you joined Fiverr in the first place?
I think like a lot of other people my main reason was for the freedom. I love being my own boss, decided when I work, how much I work for, when I can take time off, what I do, it's great!

Just hang in there and relax. Let the work come to you

Now that you have got to know a little bit more about Kymmpops you're that much closer to selling like a pro here on Fiverr. Kymmypops I will probably be ordering off you again someday soon too. Tomorrow, I'm going to be talking about Arjunrocks and the answers he gave me. Believe me this guy is something. If you're not familiar with him he's been mentioned my blog and he is a content creator on my facebook page. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ask Chris Hardy

Ok Fiverrtastic /readers I'm coming out with a new feature where this week I will feature different Top Rated Sellers who answer a panel of questions I sent them. Now I am friends with a lot of Top Rated Sellers being a Fiverr blogger and all, but that doesn't mean all of them are willing to answer. Chris Hardy, the voice-over and voice professional extraordinaire was the first to answer my questions. His answers blew me away.  I think any of the new or struggling sellers could learn a lot from this interview. Here is the questions I asked him below and the answers he gave.

What is your highest selling gig and is it still active today?
That would be my “I will speak your message in the cartoon voice of your choosing” gig! Been active since September 2010.

How do you promote your gigs? What has been the best method(s)?

I do very little promotion – I’ve seen pretty decent results from placing an ad on backpage.com

(Never heard of the site so i checked it out...it's like Craigslist just not as known i think)

About how many orders do you receive on average per week?

Hmm, for all my gigs it’s about 5-10 per day, so maybe 35-70 per week.

(wow that's a lot of orders!)

What thought process goes into a new gig and how often do you try and create one?

I try to come up with something that no one would think of. Haven’t created a new gig since march 2012 and that one was just selling a digital copy of my CD. Not terribly creative there, but I’ve sold a few so far.

How long does it take for you to complete a gig on average?

Depends on my life outside of fiverr – fiverr is one of my 3 jobs. Some things I complete the same day. On average, I’d say 2-3 days.

(Wow that's lightening fast Chris!)
Do you receive a lot of gig extras? How do you upsell your gigs?
I’d say about 50-60% of my orders have extras. The only upsell I do is when buyers ask how soon I can deliver and I’ll direct them to my rush add-on.

If you’re late on an order how do you prevent a customer from performing a late cancel?

I’ve not been late yet!

How often do you contact support about situations regarding a customer?

I usually contact support over bugs in the system. Don’t think I’ve ever had an issue with a buyer that I couldn’t resolve.

What is your best and worst experience on Fiverr?

Best – repeat buyers! Worst – that time when I wasn’t getting paid due to a glitch. Grrr.

What advice would you give to a new seller or a seller who has been around awhile but not doing as well as they used to?

We all have talent – find yours and don’t just do what everyone else is doing, you’ll get lost in the crowd. You gotta be yourself and you gotta be patient.

Chris Hardy, The voice over artist and musician that we all come to know and love we now have a deeper understanding of his work and how busy he really is. Awesome interview answers Chris! It's a wonder this guy even sleeps! Sometimes, I wish I could be Top Rated Seller, but after the few responses I have got so far, I am glad I'm only a level 2 seller. I am sometimes swamped with gigs already. I'm not too skilled with the voice over or video gigs, but if I was it would probably be a nightmare. I love my graphic design gigs, but not that much! Thank you Chris Hardy for the amazing voice overs you have done so far. I will be ordering more from you soon.

Next time we will be talking about Kymmypops and how she sells on Fiverr and what advice she has. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Need advice...i'm your guy

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Welcome to blog #150. I have been asked recently if I would be the word to the masses and give some much needed Fiverr advice to the "Newbies" of the Fiverr community. Well you all came to the right place because I can definitely help. I'm going to be doing a few different things that will help the Fiverr community with thier sales and to build that much needed customer rapport. here's is my top 10 words of wisdom to being a better seller here on Fiverr.

(10) The primary image to each gig is extremely important. Make sure that each image is of the best quality possible so the customer can see a good example of your work or see how you present your gig. an overused clipart or shoddy work will not get many clients.

(9) The video is very important! make a nicely made presentation or a video of you doing the work. if you can't create the video pay someone $5 on Fiverr to help you create one and add your own elements.

(8) make business cards, flyers, postcards and other advertisments. Believe me you will need print advertising later.

(7) Pay someone to write articles or blogs about you. The more exposure you gigs have the better. If your gigs aren't recognized in a search engine or easily able to be found people aren'y ordering.

(6) Keywords are important. if you have to research what keywords are best for your gig then do so. The better keywords you have the better sales you will have!

(5) Order services off other Fiverr sellers and make your services that much better. If you're a logo design company don't make your own design...have someone else help make your company name. That what I did for my graphic design website! If you write blogs for people pay someone to guest blog for you. The world is at your fingertips with Fiverr!

(4) Offer to trade services with other sellers. For instance, if you know both of you could benefit from eachothers service offer to trade. Instead of both paying $5 it's going to cancel out anyways. or offer a free gig extra if they order your gig in exchange for them giving you some sort of extra incentive.

(3) Make Gtiends with other Fiverr sellers. Add them to facebook, twitter, linkedin...wherever. build a Fiverr community!

(2) To follow up on number 3 you need to build as many friendships as possible so like different Fiverr pages and Join different Fiverr forums and Fiverr groups. Linkedin has an amazing Fiverr group for Fiverr sellers of all levels. If you have a linked in account and haven't checked out this group why the hell not!

(1) Never give up! No matter how hard it get's never, ever give up! there sre so many other things you probably could be doing but if you want to be a freelancer and want to be working for yourself and be your own boss Fiverr is the right step in the right direction.

With that said, I think this is my cue to exit stage left. I am going to be featuring a new segment on Fiverrtastic similiar to Adam's on Yourfiverr.com...but not a video segment. I will be featuring different Top Rated Sellers who I have featured in the past who will answer questions about their careers thus far. I think that sharing their answers with you and featuring these sellers again, for people who may not have read earlier blogs, is a great experience. So far on deck I have Chris Hardy. I think Chris Hardy is unique because he is an amazing voicover artist who has done a lot for the Fiverr community. He's already done 2 projects for me and I have many more ideas down the road for him! Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day everyone!