Saturday, December 28, 2013
Illustrated to life
Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
Today I want to talk about a really cool gig I came across through another Fiverr seller people may know as giggle blossom the virtual party clown. Ok so Giggle Blossom got a really cool illustration from an artistic Fiverr seller by the name of alifia. For all who are not familiar with her work're about to be. This seller is like a new version of Tofupanda who doesn't have any active gigs on Fiverr right now. She also reminds me of Fiverr seller hironan, So why am I talking about a new seller like this? I see a lot of potential in alifia and I think she will do really well on Fiverr if she applies herself. I remember there was a time I didn't take Fiverr as serious as I should of...and I regret it.
So here's what I did to help out alifia. I offered her the chance to be featured in Fiverrtastic if she decided to offer me a free gig. It's a fair trade off. I charge $5 just to be featured in my blog. Ok so I'm going to offer some criticism to help you and I am going to give you feedback to make your sales on Fiverr a breeze. Ok, the first thing you should do is post more than one gig. put up another illustration gig or maybe a few. Also put up a tip gig. This will come in handy when people want to tip you for a job well done and don't want to reorder the same gig. It also comes in handy when you suspend gigs because you want to take a break. Make sure you put a time limit of 4-7 days for the tip gig. Even though it doesn't take that long to complete a gig with no deliverable just give it extended time.
alifia get that negative rating fixed. That person gave you positive rating with a thumbs down. Contact Fiverr support and ask them to fix it. You could try and contact the buyer and ask them to reverse it.You want a really good rating starting off. A good rating looks better when you want to become a Top Rated Seller. TRS are hand chosen by Fiverr Support. Remember to just have fun and don't rush your work here on Fiverr. You will be a level 1 and level 2 here on Fiverr soon enough. I really think that you are going to be an amazing seller and will be a hit for the new year.
Check out this illustration alifia did for me. I think she did an amazing job. Order your gig from her today and get in line for a piece of greatness. Until next time peeps have a Fiverrtastic day and Happy Holidays.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
When the going get's tough...keep going
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
I haven't written a blog in awhile and I'm very sorry. I have more blogs on the way, but currently I have just been busy with so many projects. I have been busy with so many things that I haven't been able to get much done at all it seems. In the past few months I have completed over 50 orders...closer to 75-80 orders and had to cancel quite a few as well. I have even had to cancel an $80 and $100 order. The $100 order I can get back anytime. The guy just wants me to be solely devoted to his order and focused on his order. He has 3 or 4 $100 orders and many other project ideas. I am still trying to get a handle on this and I am a really bad procrastinator. I think what I need more than anything is to create a schedule. For the last few months I have been sick a lot, feeling overwhelmed, and encountering a lot of stress. I actually am seeing a psychologist now. Here's some advice to stay with the Fiverr game. I think that anyone here on Fiverr needs to be able to do 4 things.
1) Establish a relationship with your customers. Keeping long term customers is your bread and butter on Fiverr. Don't get too comfortable with one gig though. Always be willing to suspend, delete, or change your gig. Also be willing to put up multiple gigs. More gigs means more money.
2) Get a good rating and keep that rating strong. A gig with a level 1, level 2, or top rated seller badge and a seller rating higher than 90% is something to shoot for.
3) Never be afraid to take risks and never give up. I was always taught to always take risks or you will never fail in life . When you fail, there's always room to fail again and there's always room for improvement. Remember to always have an exit strategy though and that Fiverr is just a new career path, not the only career path. You will meet a lot of nice people on Fiverr, some sellers on Fiverr will become your friends and some will just be downright weird. Just have fun.
4) Know when to suspend your gigs or take a small vacation. Make sure you have more than one gig for people to order, a tip gig could come in handy, and suspend all gigs but one if you need to take a break. Do not let yourself get overwhelmed. Getting overwhelmed, handing gigs in late, and getting bad ratings can be detrimental. Just keep things slow and steady like a turtle in a rabbit race.
My next blog will be a really good one. I will be discussing a really cool illustration seller here on Fiverr. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.
Friday, November 8, 2013
I'm back. sorry for the delay.
Haven't been on here in awhile. been really busy with gigs. Bear with me. I am also seeking new opportunities outside of Fiverr. I think I have found a few. One pays really well. Better than $5 at a time. Did you hear Fiverr is now allowing people to make multiple gig extras with their multiple gig orders. Thats a potential of 100's of dollars to up to $3000 for a level 1 to a Top rated seller. Ya that's amazing. And that's just 1 sale. But the days don't change and that makes things slightly difficult. So ya the order potential is huge. I have a product you guys will love if you love your computer and if you are a work from home seller. This is a product that will help back up all of your important files like your pictures, documents, and music. Don't get stranded not having your files. If you sell on Fiverr you need cloud storage right. So check this out now.
Ok so here is where I promote some Fiverr sellers:
Tumichael has impressed me lately. If you need a Michael Jackson Impersonator check him out. OMG when he had a different account he mafe an awesome video for me.
Well another one who is impressing me is Mrevilhairday. Yes he's back and for a limited time you can be a bean too. not sure how long this gig will be up so you need to check it out now bean-caricature-of-you
Guess what...Sexysamantha is back. Ya so if you need some sexy modeling shes back you may remember her from Tosh.0 , Ya so what are you waiting for.
Ok so that's 3 awesome sellers and I will keep updating my page with newer sellers daily. Sorry that I have not been active lately. Ya I have been super busy and had a lot of stuff going on lately. If you ever need any writing or graphic design done...or want to be featured in the blog order from me.
Until we meet again peeps have a Fiverrtastic day.
Ok so here is where I promote some Fiverr sellers:
Tumichael has impressed me lately. If you need a Michael Jackson Impersonator check him out. OMG when he had a different account he mafe an awesome video for me.

Well another one who is impressing me is Mrevilhairday. Yes he's back and for a limited time you can be a bean too. not sure how long this gig will be up so you need to check it out now bean-caricature-of-you
Guess what...Sexysamantha is back. Ya so if you need some sexy modeling shes back you may remember her from Tosh.0 , Ya so what are you waiting for.
Ok so that's 3 awesome sellers and I will keep updating my page with newer sellers daily. Sorry that I have not been active lately. Ya I have been super busy and had a lot of stuff going on lately. If you ever need any writing or graphic design done...or want to be featured in the blog order from me.
Until we meet again peeps have a Fiverrtastic day.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
PLR article packs for $5
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Have I got a find for you. There is this seller on Fiverr by the name of strategic58 who has some really cool fiverr gigs. Have you ever looked for the perfect article to post on your site or on your blog, only to not find anything. Have you often wondered "gee i wonder if i can buy a ton of articles in bulk that i can use for personal use, resale, promoting my website, or something else". Well these gigs are for you. This seller offers article packs for almost every single topic and if he doesn't have a gig for that topic i'm sure he could make one if he had access to article packs for that topic. Where could you go wrong by getting hundreds of articles on any specific topic for $5. Imagine all the things you could do with this wealth of information. Seriously if you need an article on a specific topic why not order in bulk. strategic58 is the Fiverr seller to order from.
strategic58 I have some advice to give you to start getting the ball rolling again so you can start making sales again. I understand you wanted to create a 2nd Fiverr profile...DON'T DO IT. It's in the Terms of service that you can't operate more than one account per person. Fiverr has it set up where it's damn near impossible to manage multiple accounts unless you use different emails, different paypals, and different ip's. It's almost impossible to even create a new profile or multiple profiles and manage all of them. Believe me I made the mistake of using the same paypal and my email was linked to my other email. I lost all the money i earned on the 2nd account and i almost could have lost the first account.
I recommend doing what your doing on the strategic58 account and just focus on maintaining customer relations and getting new customers. You're a level 2 seller for crying out loud they don't give the badges away without earning them. In order to get more sales maybe you could get people to advertise your gig. There are a lot of people on Fiverr who do advertising for a month or more on personal websites for $5. There are people who advertise wit facebook and twitter too. it works amazing. Maybe you could also offer a buy 3 get 1 free special. Maybe you could also spread the word on your own facebook and twitter. The only way you can advertise on twitter though is with tinyurl's. strategic58 you should also put up a tip gig and a few other gigs that have nothing to do with article packs. Lastly, you should get the word out about your other site and advertise your gigs on your site. Whatever you do just have fun. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Double the fun
Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
Ok so this Fiverr seller I ordered off a few weeks ago did a bang up job. You know I am a sucker for artistic gigs, video gigs, and sign gigs. How would you like a video gig advertised by twins. You heard me...twins. I think they are fraternal twins, but these two women are amazing. Two is always better than one right? Remember when I did a triple exposure picture...ya that was all the same woman in different poses. This is a Fiverr seller who combines both of their talents. The Fiverr sellers name is theadtwins and they are extremely talented. They are a level 1 seller right now and the way their orders are they will be a level 2 and possibly a top rated seller in no time. I had to order from these two. There was no denying how talented they are. They currently have 30 orders in queue right now. I think theadtwins are going to go really far and with level 1 under their belt and there's no telling what these two women can do.
Here is the video they did for me:
theadtwins I have some suggestions for you to make you that much more talented as sellers here on Fiverr:
1) you're 2 separate women so operate 2 separate accounts with different names and separate paypals. If you have questions how to do this contact support. if you're using separate laptops, separate email, and separate paypal you can sell on 2 accounts.
2) When this account becomes a level 2 make sure to offer a $40 gig extra. Believe me $20 and $40 gig extras pay big.
3) don't be afraid to charge more than a fiverr. You're 2 people doing the video after all.
4) If you can do green screen or enhanced video work be sure to mention that to customers. some customers will pay even more for commercial like testimonials.
5) Put up a tip gig with 4 days or longer and describe on it that it is for tips and upgrades only. Also make sure you streamline your tip gig. Don't put any buyer requirements in the second half. all you need is gig info, estimated time and a title. You will thank me.
6) Put up a few more gigs and leave them active for at least a few months. if they don't get sales suspend them and put up different gigs. You can have 20 gigs and usually 8-12 is the butter zone for gigs. with a medium amount of gigs listed it get's your name out there. You could have a sign gig (unless it's on suspend for a lot of orders), a voice-over gig, a tip gig, and any other gigs that may show what you're talented at.
7) Have fun doing what you're doing. You obviously are doing something right your orders are nonstop.
So if you need a video with twins check out theadtwins.You will be glad you did. They are the most talented new sellers here on Fiverr right now. They will leave you speechless by their video performance and wanting more. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.
Monday, September 23, 2013
How can you become a better seller
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
A lot of you who read are a seller or a buyer here on Fiverr. There are many ways in which you can become a better seller. Many sellers ask on the forum all the time how they can become a better seller. They want to know how they can sell like a level 1 or level 2 seller without the gig extras. Here's how you can become a better seller. First you need to use bullet points to emphasize that you have services other than the initial gig. a good example would look like this (level sellers can do this too as other gig extras). Add it to the gig description:
- For $5 (1 extra gig) I will do this
- for $10 (2 extra gigs) I will do this
- For $20 (4 extra gigs) I will do this
Be willing to contact sellers to barter, especially if they have promotional services, advertising services, blog services, or other useful services that could benefit you. Whatever you do just make things interesting for you and the buyer.
If a buyer messages you take contrl of the situation early. Do not let the messages get out of control unless they actually plan to make a deal to order gigs. When they do plan to order make sure to contact them if they don't order quickly. As a seller, no matter what level you are at, sales are important.That's all I have to say for now and until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Bringing life to a picture
Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
Ok so today I want to talk about Fiverr seller valiantgraphics. This seller is an amazing artist and I want to take the time to talk to about their gig This gig is amazing and extremely original. Right now this gig is really popular and it has 11 orders in wue. The seller is well on thier way to becoming a level 1 seller and in a few days they will be probably, since you only have to be on Fiverr a month with 10 sales or more to reach level 1. in 2 months this seller should reach level 2 without a doubt. I want you to check out the comparison of the picture and the drawing and see for yourself. The picture is of my really good female friend Roxy who lives in texas. She's making a funny face and I really like the picture.
Roxy in real life Roxy drawn to life
in caricature form
valiantgraphics I think you need to add a few more gigs. I also think that maybe you should possibly promote your gig a little more and maybe make a page for it on Facebook or some other social networking. Also come visit the Fiverr Forum and come check out my Fiverrtastic Facebook page and promote yourself. Get your name out there more you have a lot of talent. Until next time everyone have a Fiverrtastic day.
Ok so today I want to talk about Fiverr seller valiantgraphics. This seller is an amazing artist and I want to take the time to talk to about their gig This gig is amazing and extremely original. Right now this gig is really popular and it has 11 orders in wue. The seller is well on thier way to becoming a level 1 seller and in a few days they will be probably, since you only have to be on Fiverr a month with 10 sales or more to reach level 1. in 2 months this seller should reach level 2 without a doubt. I want you to check out the comparison of the picture and the drawing and see for yourself. The picture is of my really good female friend Roxy who lives in texas. She's making a funny face and I really like the picture.
Roxy in real life Roxy drawn to life
in caricature form
valiantgraphics I think you need to add a few more gigs. I also think that maybe you should possibly promote your gig a little more and maybe make a page for it on Facebook or some other social networking. Also come visit the Fiverr Forum and come check out my Fiverrtastic Facebook page and promote yourself. Get your name out there more you have a lot of talent. Until next time everyone have a Fiverrtastic day.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
A sketch of a lifetime
![]() |
(This is an actual sample the seller has on their gig) |
Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
I'm back with a new blog for you again. Sorry it took so long. The seller I was going to show from awhile back...her order was good, but her rating and gigs has tanked since I ordered from her. I guess you live you learn right. So I ordered this sketch gig and it's unbelievable. I always look for artistic gigs of creative sellers and wow I was blown away by this seller. The sellers username is eroel_mj and he will draw your photo to Illustration in my style for $5. This is an awesome gig. The artistic quality of this gig blew me away. If you want to have an artistic rendering that you will be pleased to give as a gift or keep for yourself order a gig from eroel_mj . You will not be disappointed. Here is the sketch he did.
![]() |
(Here is the drawing they made me) |
eroel_mj I have a few suggestions for your gigs. You should put up a few other art gigs that have nothing to do with pencil and shading or put different samples with the other gigs. When people see the same cover samples on each gig their unsure if each gig is the same. Don't be afraid to sell out of your niche or category either if you have other skills. People like versatile sellers who sell multiple types of gigs. Don't limit yourself to art gigs. Maybe you can put up art video tutorials, testimonials, voiceovers, writing gigs, graphic design or other skills you may be good at. Just have fun with it and be creative. Oh and if you don't have one already, put up a tip gig. Ok well enough about that.
Ok, so until next time everyone have a Fiverrtastic day. Keep an eye out for all the awesome gigs out there and when you see a new gig that may deserve a little boost order from them. Then, share your experience with me and I would be happy to blog about it.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Undeniably amazing
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Sorry I took soo long to write a blog. It's been a month for new blog content and I haven't been updating my facebook page much either. I have been noticing newbies trying to sabotage my posts with spam...and when they do they get blocked. The last month has been crazy. All month has been an endless amount of order after order after order. I still have 11 orders in queue. Still playing catchup but people keep ordering.
Today I want to talk about a really cool gig from a seller who gave me a free gig for some blog promotion. The Fiverr seller's username is nicred and I have seen them around on Fiverr and on the forum before. This seller does some amazing animated videos and they are already a level 1 seller after 1 month. Say hello to Nic from South Africa, who's only been on Fiverr about a month. This seller has sold multiple animated orders already...his most popular gig looks like the Pacman animated video gig. But, the Animated message gig looks very popular right now. nicred created an animated message for my blog and believe me this thing is awesome. When he sent the message the first time i don't think it attached but when he got a hold of me today I was more than impressed. He has some amazing gigs and I'm excited to see when he becomes a level 2 seller what gigs and gig extras he might offer.
Here is the video Nic made me:
Hey Nic I have some suggestions to make your gigs even more better. I think that maybe your fire spinning gig is an original gig and you should put a video up for it. Any gig that original should have a video to show your talent. You should also come up with a few other gigs that have raw talent on camera. something expressing a talent you have. A good example is Fiverr seller Mr Marcus. He juggles knives, chainsaws, and fire. Maybe you could tap into something customers want to order that would be viral on youtube. These animated videos are awesome and will get a ton of orders, but you want to have a ton of different gigs with a wide variety to choose from.
I will be writing another new blog later tonight or tomorrow hopefully. I want to apologize to everyone for being out of the loop for a month. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic night.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
My essence captivated in sketch
Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
Ok so lately I have been extremely busy with gigs. More busy than some people on here. Maybe version 2 just likes my lower rating gigs. This one seller on Fiverr named fineartpaints, see that drawing up top...that's a sample of his. He took the initiative, stepped up, and offered me a test drive to try a gig. I was floored because only a few people on Fiverr have ever done that. He told me to pick a gig, message him through my page, and he would deliver through my page or on Fiverr via message. I was skeptical and hesitant at first, but his abilities are very good. I was very impressed. These are original works of art from what it looks like and he send certificate of authenticity with them. The other picture is to show this is not a cheap replication. I wasn't sure if it was done by hand or with photoshop. But the craftsmanship look well beyond a photoshop creation. Either way it's very good. I didn't like the middle part of the head where my brows tilt in, i'm guessing that's the crown area of the head, so i slightly edited it with the blur tool in photoshop.
Here's the images he gave:
Here is the certificate saying it's 100% original.
fineartpaints this is where my blog gets down to the nitty gritty. I want to tell you what it's going to take to be successful here on Fiverr. You need to find creative ways to sell this gig to get a steady customer base. The network is overflowing with artists and designers and in order to stand out in the crowd you need to come in hard and not give up. Ok I want to suggest to you that when you do start getting orders in please mark the estimated time up by a few days. Make sure you give yourself a break. Ok everyone so our newest Fiverrtastic seller is fineartpaints. Order his gig today. For $5 you are getting a heck of a deal.
Oh and by the way here is the edit of the image i did.
Until next time everyone hope you have a Fiverrtastic day. Have a good day. I have a few more really good blogs coming up soon so stay tuned in the next coming days.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Daria has come to Fiverr
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Do any of you remember the days of MTV when they still had some music and they had awesome late night programming. Two shows in particular that I remember were Daria and Beavis & Butthead. Those two shows were why teenage angst existed. Well, I have talked about many different artists on here before. Many of you may remember the many different forms I have taken as a Simpson, a zombie, a Family Guy, and many others.
Only on Fiverr can you find mind blowing gigs like this one.This seller here on Fiverr named shiwaart will turn your photo into a Daria like character . Yes for $5 you too can capture back a piece of your youth with a head and upper body drawing. If you want a full body drawing it's $15. The sellers name is shiwaart and the gig has already had 19 positive reviews. They are a level one seller who has been on Fiverr 4 months. I can foresee much success with this seller and hope to work with them very soon.
here is the video to shiwaart's gig:
shiwaart I have a few suggestions to make your selling here on Fiverr that much more exciting. I think you should create other drawing gigs similar to this. You're a very talented artist and vintage cartoon gigs sell pretty well with the right advertising and promotion. Maybe you could try adding a Beavis & Butthead gig. Mike Judge's animation isn't that much different than the art of Glenn Eichler and Susie Lewis Lynn. Daria was a recurring character on Beavis & Butthead. I think your art is really good and you're going to do really well here on Fiverr. I also think that you could do well with trying out all different types of gigs and seeing which niche fits you best. I can already see art suits you well though. I hope to order off you someday soon.
Again if you want an awesome gig where ou can look like Daria you need to look no further than shiwaart on Fiverr. You will absolutely love this gig. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.
Friday, July 19, 2013
macot logo to make Fiverrtastic look big and strong
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
First I want to say I'm sorry it's taken so long to get back to you with a new blog. I want to come to you tonight to talk about a really cool mascot logo gig. I have been wanting to talk about this seller awhile now but every time I wanted to order they were extremely busy. So I took a chance, ordered and got an awesome mascot logo of the planet earth with muscles. I couldn't pull this bad boy off if I tried.The sellers name is coppe007 and this seller has some amazing gigs. I was rather impressed by the craftsmanship and quality of this sellers work. You all need to check out his mascot logo gig I will create you a unique cartoon character for $5.
here is the original he created:
coppe007 I don't really have any pearls of wisdom for're a top rated seller. I do however suggest creating new gigs every now and then and trying them out to see how well they are. You have a few good gems right now. I also thing that maybe you should extend your lead time by a few days. You were late but your work was amazing. I hope to work with you again soon.
Here is what I created for a banner thanks to his mascot. I have not uploaded it to the blog yet. Not sure if I like the background.
Oh by the way I am on the verge of launching something huge. I have a freelance website that will be like a "freelance concierge". I will allow people to order graphic design, writing, and various other services directly through me. If it's a service I don't provide I'll find it for them for a finders fee. I will be ordering from other Fiverr sellers when I need services buyers want. The site is Hope everyone gets a chance to check it out. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day all. Stay safe and have a good day.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Turned into a Family Guy
Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
Ok so this gig is rather interesting. If there is one gig I love it is art gigs...especially avatar gigs. Ok so this seller will turn you into a Family Guy character for a mere $5 and if you want extra detail well they have other gig extras. The sellers name is melcasipit and if there is anything I love it's Family Guy and American Dad...The characters have such a look that's human yet still cartoony...unlike the Simpsons. I have ordered a Simpsons gig, a zombie gig, and a Tim Burton gig before...but this gig by melcasipit is by far unique. You need to order this gig and have the family guy experience. :)
Check out the picture she made me below:
This seller has some unique gigs by far. melcasipit I think you should heed a little advice and add a few more gigs though. You have some nice gigs but add a few different illustration gigs like this one. I was blown away by your unique talent. Maybe you could also add videos to each gig showcasing some of your samples. Do it as a Windows Movie Maker video. I have faith you can do it. :)
Well that's it for now...until next time have a Fiverrtastic day all.
Ok so this gig is rather interesting. If there is one gig I love it is art gigs...especially avatar gigs. Ok so this seller will turn you into a Family Guy character for a mere $5 and if you want extra detail well they have other gig extras. The sellers name is melcasipit and if there is anything I love it's Family Guy and American Dad...The characters have such a look that's human yet still cartoony...unlike the Simpsons. I have ordered a Simpsons gig, a zombie gig, and a Tim Burton gig before...but this gig by melcasipit is by far unique. You need to order this gig and have the family guy experience. :)
Check out the picture she made me below:
This seller has some unique gigs by far. melcasipit I think you should heed a little advice and add a few more gigs though. You have some nice gigs but add a few different illustration gigs like this one. I was blown away by your unique talent. Maybe you could also add videos to each gig showcasing some of your samples. Do it as a Windows Movie Maker video. I have faith you can do it. :)
Well that's it for now...until next time have a Fiverrtastic day all.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Fabs is Often Imitated and Never Duplicated
Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Ok so if there's on thing you'll notice I'm a sucker for artistic gigs and advertising gigs. One type of advertising gig I love is sign gigs. This seller was featured back when Fiverrtastic was in it's infancy. She is a Spanish beauty with a rockin' booty, She has an amazing smile that could go on for miles. Have you guessed yet...It's Pinkkoala . That's right...I'm going to talk about Fabiola's sign gig today. She did an amazing job...I love all of her gigs. Why she's still on Fiverr and not in the movies or modeling is beyond me. She is amazing! Pinkkoala will give you the utmost service you deserve for $5 and up. Believe me $5 goes a long way, but giving here extra you can get bathing suit advertising...meeeooowww. I just needed something sexy but classy so What she sent me was awesome. I will be updating my banner soon...again. So I will be placing one of these 4 pics on there. Check all 4 of them now.

These shots are superb and if you want shots like this just order this awesome gig from Pinkkoala. She will handle your order with precision and excellence. If you need video advertising she does that too. She has a ton of yourube vids look her vids up here dulcefabiola23. You're welcome Fabs. :) Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day everyone.
Ok so if there's on thing you'll notice I'm a sucker for artistic gigs and advertising gigs. One type of advertising gig I love is sign gigs. This seller was featured back when Fiverrtastic was in it's infancy. She is a Spanish beauty with a rockin' booty, She has an amazing smile that could go on for miles. Have you guessed yet...It's Pinkkoala . That's right...I'm going to talk about Fabiola's sign gig today. She did an amazing job...I love all of her gigs. Why she's still on Fiverr and not in the movies or modeling is beyond me. She is amazing! Pinkkoala will give you the utmost service you deserve for $5 and up. Believe me $5 goes a long way, but giving here extra you can get bathing suit advertising...meeeooowww. I just needed something sexy but classy so What she sent me was awesome. I will be updating my banner soon...again. So I will be placing one of these 4 pics on there. Check all 4 of them now.
These shots are superb and if you want shots like this just order this awesome gig from Pinkkoala. She will handle your order with precision and excellence. If you need video advertising she does that too. She has a ton of yourube vids look her vids up here dulcefabiola23. You're welcome Fabs. :) Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day everyone.
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