Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Do you need something translated from Chinese to English Or English to Chinese well look no further. This next seller will rock it like "gangnam style" and help you with all your translation needs. The sellers name is hdxd159 and he has some amazing reviews so far. He is a level 1 seller who has been selling on Fiverr for only a month and already making some impact. His translation gig offers to translate 400 words per gig in English to Chinese or Chinese to English . Seriously, why look around for multiple sellers and compare and contrast, this guy can do it for you. I think this seller has tons of potential and I'm so optimistic of his future if he becomes a level 2 seller or stays a busy level 1 seller.
hdxd159 I would like to make a few suggestions to improve your gigs. I think you should upsell your tips every chance you get. at the end of every order if you feel you worked harder than a $5 order on the gig mention the tip gig. Also make sure you mention to a seller that you wish to do business with them in the future. Fiverr can sometimes be like a mini walmart, sellers come and go all the time. It's how you promote your sales, how you treat each customer, and how your communication is with each customer. Seriously, I see a lot of seller potential in you. I do have a few others suggestions though. You should make a video or presentation to show off the gig. people respond better when you have an active video and when you have a live portfolio. I also think you would do great as a testimonial seller. You could sell a translation service and then do the testimonial. That's 2, 3, 4, or even more orders. There is no $5 limit per customer with fiverr when you have a level. The limits are endless. It's all in how you sell. I get at least 3 orders a day and at least 10-20 messages a day from customers.
I think you should all check out hdxd159's gigs today. His gigs look promising and he looks like he could be an amazing seller in the near future. Next time you have chinese translation needs check him out. Until next time everyone have a Fiverrtastic day.
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