Saturday, January 23, 2016

Mind Blown By Art Gigs

Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,

Josh here again and I got 3 more gigs to talk about. They are some awesome art gigs. I needed art for my book covers for upcoming books and I hired 3 artist for 2 separate projects and they came up with some really awesome artistic ideas. I asked one seller by the name of design_print to do a steampunk brain for an upcoming book called "Fugue". it's for a continuation to a zombie love story I wrote called "Requiem" which is available on Kindle. He created some art beyond what I expected, like literally more than what I expected. Here is the project he delivered and I am extremely happy with the results. Even if my fans decide not to want this on that cover I could always use it on a different project.

The second person I hired was an artist on Fiverr by the name of sambkr. I wanted him to help with cover art for a book called "Wicked intentions", a continuation to "Deadly Desires", available on Kindle. This artist is extremely skilled. At first he delivered something way off base, but I described what I wanted more. He delivered something really great. I really can't say thank you enough. Here's what he delivered. I asked for a box with a monster trying to escape.
My last gig I would like to discuss is from a seller named Annagarro. She is extremely talented. I asked her to deliver a door with a monster eye creeping through the hole. Although the eye isn't too prominent she is extremely talented. This was also for "Wicked Intentions". Check out what she delivered to me below.

All 3 of these artist got different artists and delivered in different styles. I can't choose which one did better. I think they all are great artists and can't thank them enough. If you search hard enough on Fiverr you find the diamonds in the rough. I know I sure do. Next blog I will talk about 2 Photoshop editing gigs I ordered. Until then have a Fiverrtastic day. 

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