Saturday, September 19, 2015

In need of writers and content creators

Hey Fiverrtastic peeps,
        What's up today? Sorry it has been so long since the last blog. Remember in the last blog how I explained the possibility of merging blogs with another blog. Haha, what a joke! Well that hasn't happened. She is just a complete joke. She thinks I stole her blog because mine actually is successful and has the same name. It seems the other person really doesn't care even though I reached out to her. They haven't reached out to contact me since June. Whatever! No need to keep waiting. I will keep holding on to hope she will contact me again, but I guess she's too busy with college and that 20 something social life. A blog is just too hard to maintain. Oh by the way I'm also an author now. I have 5 children's stories and I am releasing 4 or 5 more. I am also releasing 3 novelettes in the near future and a few more ideas are in the works. 

         So I think I'm going to start hiring bloggers to promote their gigs and other peoples gigs. I need people to write for my blog and post to my Facebook page. Anything Fiverr related or Work At Home related would apply to this blog. Nothing MLM or sales related. I'm sorry but anything that you have to pay for to make money is not legit. Hiring writers might be a good idea, but I'm taking it as I go. I have been so busy with writing projects, that blog writing and social network promoting are becoming difficult. If you night be interested let me know and I can promote your Fiverr gig. The pay would be minimal if anything, but the promotion of your gig, business, or blog would be phenomenal. Contact me in the comments below or on Fiverrtastic Facebook page. .


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