Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Time management is key

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
     Have you ever wanted to learn how to make more money working less time. There's got to be some bullcrap get rich quick scheme or something right? Wrong! Actually I came across a Fiverr seller who sells e-book and tutorials and they are well worth their $5. This guy's books are logically sound and very thought provoking. One that I read the first few chapters of was about time management. The e-book is called "How to Work Less and Earn More". Seriously this book is extremely thought provoking and just from what I have read I have realized that I am a big time waster myself. The Fiverr sellers username is petervcrisp and whatever you order from him is definitely worth way more than $5. Ok so let me explain to you what I have taken out of the book so far: I have learned that not everyone is gifted at running their own business. From what I have learned on Shark Tank and Dragons Den there's an entrepreneur and a "Wantrepreneur". Think about that for a second, there's the ones who have what it takes to be successful and the ones who lack the understanding of a business. The ones who lack the understanding will ultimately struggle from one business venture to another or their business will ultimately be a hobby. I'm going to speak to my larger audience of readers, the freelancers and the stay at home mom's and dads. Is your freelance career making you money or is it just a hobby? If after doing this more than a year you're not making enough to live comfortably, you might want to find other websites to work with and take a risk with subscription job posting sites.

petervcrisp has some really nice gigs that I think everyone should check out. I'm surprised that he's not already a level 1 or level 2 seller. For $5 what have you got to lose...not much. But the wealth of knowledge you will gain from one of his e-books is astounding. Check out his e-book gig for his book "How to Work Less and Earn More"  you will be glad you did. While you're checking out his gigs you might be inclined to order one or two more. He writes practical information for a broad audience and anyone who wants to learn how to make money or become financially independent could benefit from him. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.


1 comment:

  1. Very informative post. I'm glad I stumbled upon it. :)
    I'm on Fiverr too.
    And I also have my own blog as well.
    I follow you through GFC. :D
    Have a good day!
