Thursday, October 10, 2013

PLR article packs for $5

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Have I got a find for you. There is this seller on Fiverr by the name of strategic58 who has some really cool fiverr gigs. Have you ever looked for the perfect article to post on your site or on your blog, only to not find anything. Have you often wondered "gee i wonder if i can buy a ton of articles in bulk that i can use for personal use, resale, promoting my website, or something else". Well these gigs are for you. This seller offers article packs for almost every single topic and if he doesn't have a gig for that topic i'm sure he could make one if he had access to article packs for that topic. Where could you go wrong by getting hundreds of articles on any specific topic for $5. Imagine all the things you could do with this wealth of information. Seriously if you need an article on a specific topic why not order in bulk. strategic58 is the Fiverr seller to order from. 

strategic58 I have some advice to give you to start getting the ball rolling again so you can start making sales again. I understand you wanted to create a 2nd Fiverr profile...DON'T DO IT. It's in the Terms of service that you can't operate more than one account per person. Fiverr has it set up where it's damn near impossible to manage multiple accounts unless you use different emails, different paypals, and different ip's. It's almost impossible to even create a new profile or multiple profiles and manage all of them. Believe me I made the mistake of using the same paypal and my email was linked to my other email. I lost all the money i earned on the 2nd account and i almost could have lost the first account.

  I recommend doing what your doing on the  strategic58 account and just focus on maintaining customer relations and getting new customers. You're a level 2 seller for crying out loud they don't give the badges away without earning them. In order to get more sales maybe you could get people to advertise your gig. There are a lot of people on Fiverr who do advertising for a month or more on personal websites for $5. There are people who advertise wit facebook and twitter too. it works amazing. Maybe you could also offer a buy 3 get 1 free special. Maybe you could also spread the word on your own facebook and twitter. The only way you can advertise on twitter though is with tinyurl's. strategic58 you should also put up a tip gig and a few other gigs that have nothing to do with article packs. Lastly, you should get the word out about your other site and advertise your gigs on your site. Whatever you do just have fun. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day.