Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse

Have you searched high and low for a video testimonial only to come up short and not be able find one that tickles your fancy. Why not try a video seller who creates a Godfather inspired testimonial video. The sellers username is Chrys1 and he has some amazing gigs. Two of his most interesting gigs are his Godfather Testimonial video gig and V for Vendetta testimonial gig.

I first found out about his gigs when i seen a video of his on a Facebook Fiverr Fanpage called "Fiverrwall". I literally felt like I was watching a old fashioned gangster movie. He is insanely talented. He creates the ambiance that you are literally watching a real commercial or a movie clip. Chrys1 is very friendly too. His interaction back and forth with me was a delight. He even tried to offer to make me a small video ad for the blog as trade for the blog. i said it was not necessary i just needed a sample of a previous clients work or one of his promotional videos. He sent me a video for a chocolate video he did.

In time this seller may be a Top rated Seller on time will tell. I only have a few suggestions for Chrys1. maximize your gig potential by putting up as many gigs as possible you can put up to 20. I usually find 14-17 is a good #. Oh and if you have gigs that aren't selling put them on suspend or delete them and replace them with new ones.

Check out this video and see what I mean:

Until Next Time Readers...Have a Fiverrtatic Day. :)

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