Thursday, February 21, 2013

Don't get lost in translation

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Do you need something translated from Chinese to English Or English to Chinese well look no further. This next seller will rock it like "gangnam style" and help you with all your translation needs. The sellers name is hdxd159 and he has some amazing reviews so far. He is a level 1 seller who has been selling on Fiverr for only a month and already making some impact. His translation gig offers to translate 400 words per gig in English to Chinese or Chinese to English . Seriously, why look around for multiple sellers and compare and contrast, this guy can do it for you. I think this seller has tons of potential and I'm so optimistic of his future if he becomes a level 2 seller or stays a busy level 1 seller.

hdxd159 I would like to make a few suggestions to improve your gigs. I think you should upsell your tips every chance you get. at the end of every order if you feel you worked harder than a $5 order on the gig mention the tip gig. Also make sure you mention to a seller that you wish to do business with them in the future. Fiverr can sometimes be like a mini walmart, sellers come and go all the time. It's how you promote your sales, how you treat each customer, and how your communication is with each customer. Seriously, I see a lot of seller potential in you. I do have a few others suggestions though. You should make a video or presentation to show off the gig. people respond better when you have an active video and when you have a live portfolio. I also think you would do great as a testimonial seller. You could sell a translation service and then do the testimonial. That's 2, 3, 4, or even more orders. There is no $5 limit per customer with fiverr when you have a level. The limits are endless. It's all in how you sell. I get at least 3 orders a day and at least 10-20 messages a day from customers.

I think you should all check out hdxd159's gigs today. His gigs look promising and he looks like he could be an amazing seller in the near future. Next time you have chinese translation needs check him out. Until next time everyone have a Fiverrtastic day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

100 keywords to fire up your site

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,

Have I got an amazing gig I want to talk about today. I had this seller contact me about an awesome gig that is amazingly huge! This sellers name is supercontact and he has a really cool gig that needs rating. The gig is I will provide Top 100 Keywords for Google Adwords, Microsoft Adcenter, Mobile Campaign or your website for $5” and this is one of the biggest keyword gig I have seen yet. This can dramatically increase your page-rank and help with SEO on your website. I have been ordering enough gigs lately or else I would be ordering this bad boy! I think that anyone could benefit from this gig and you should order today.

supercontact this is where I get critical and start playing devils advocate. Ok so I notice your overall percentage is pretty low. Find a way to change that by looking over past orders from other gigs and seeing what you did. Bad feedback will ruin your reputation, but also late cancels and force cancels will make your score fall big time. Just contact support if you’re undure and have them help. The best thing to do is have support answer any questions you may have. Next, start adding more gigs…c’mon now. You can have up to 20. You will never get a higher score without getting more clientele. Lastly, establish a working relationship with some level 2 and top rated sellers. They have the experience needed to get you to the next level. You came to the right place, but people like oldbittygrandma, alanletsgo, kymmpops, professorpuppet, djemotion, chrishardy, and jerseyferretti are all top rated sellers that could help immensely. Believe me I know because I’m friends with a lot of people here on Fiverr. I kinda have developed a lot of working relationships because of this blog.


        supercontact you have some awesome gigs and I wish you best of luck. If you get that rating up, advertise your gigs more, and get a lot of sales you’ll be a level 1 seller in no time. I will follow up with you when you become a level 1 seller. Until next time Fiverrtastic readers have a Fiverrtastic day!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Spice up your blog with flair

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Ok so I came across this awesome seller who entices your viewers to make active comments and he fills your page out with more comments. This seller will randomly comment on multiple pages with many different opinions. The sellers name is t0rnad0 and his gig is I will write 20 blog comments for your blog for $5. If you have ever needed someone to fill up your blog keep reading

The sellers username is t0rnad0 and he is a beginner with no level yet. He has been on Fiverr for about a month and I was glad to find him. I think I found him when doing a search for blog comments or in a collection of gigs. He has already been collected 5 times...not too shabby t0rnad0. So heres my suggestion to anyone with a blog, order from a pro! This guy did 4-5 active comments each day and I was amazed at how random he would pop up. If you have a long standing blog that needs a lot of random comments order a lot of gigs or order from someone who's going to do it with software. This guy does all of his stuff in real time and it's very good quality work. Anyone who needs comments added to their blog or forum needs to order from t0rnad0 today.

Here's where I like to play devils advocate. t0rnad0 you should put up a few more gigs and you should advertise the ones you have with someone on Fiverr. Believe me when you get to level 1 or level 2 you will not have time for anything but the gigs so start looking for ways to get new clients and regular clients right now. It also wouldn't hurt to make a facebook page and other social networking to get yourself out there if you haven't yet. Until next time everyone have a Fiverrtastic day!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Blasting at the speed of a Fiverr


Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to advertise your site to 2.5 million other sites on the web. Yes you read that right. 2.5 million. This seller by the name of webcorp will help get your website exposure with a software he created himself. He literally does all the indexing work in just a few clicks. All you need to do is provide the info of the website. Seriously how many other gigs like that are out there....NONE!

The gig is I will blast your AD to 2500000 Websites New Marketing System for2013 for $5 and this seller more than delivers. He even delivered in less than 24 hours! I'm not sure what he did exactly but he increased the exposure and pagerank of my graphic design site but I know he did something. I know that ordering services off fiverr is probably 10-20x cheaper than ordering from two-bit professionals who claim to know a little about everything. I sell on fiverr myself so I know that people on Fiverr are more than professional, You need to check out Fiverr seller webcorp today. Believe me you'll be glad you did!

webcorp I don't have any suggestions to bring you to that next level. I found you because I needed web promotion and i'm sure others will too. Just keep doing what your doing it seems to be working out good for you. I think you are going to do grear on Fiverr. Until next time everyone have a Fiverrtastic day.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

A bundle of subscribers for a Fiverr

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Sorry it's been so long since last blog. I wanted to write a new blog about an amazing seller who has an amazing service where he will give you 200 subscribers to any wordpress blog or 100 subscribers for a blogger blog for $5. Ya you read that right 200 subscribers to a blog for $5. You know how hard it is to get subscribers unless your a popular celebrity or journalist nlogger. This seller takes the guesswork out of it and helps you get the subscribers you need. The seller is called Allmyposts and this seller is awesome! He helped me get 100 new subscribers for my blog in no time and all of these subscribers look legit and not bot looking. I will admit that I have bought likes in the past and also got someone to advertise my blog and get massive traffic, blackhat technique that are not really the greatest ideas. For every negative marketing I have done I have still kept a blog based around promoting the honest and hardworking people of fiverr. That's what a lot of us are is jobbers going from on gig to the next. This gig is Amazing because this seller was able to find 100 people who would actually take the time to look at or read my blog. I have operated for one year and had almost 22,000 hits. thats not bad, but it could be way better. Hopefully this helps out dramatically. The seller is Allmyposts and his gig i ordered is You need to check out his gigs today.

Allmyposts the only suggestion I have for you is to put up a few more gigs. Dont put your gigs on pause unless the gig gets more than 5-10 in queue. You could lose your ranking on the page and  have to update the gig in order to outrank competitors. Nothing like having multiple orders on a gig and get beat out by newbies with express gigs. Next time I will discuss an internet guru named Webcorp. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Friday, February 8, 2013

A picture worth more than a fiverr

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
I am so excited to talk about this next seller. I absolutely love this sellers gigs. The sellers name is Draculafetus. He literally put's the art in artistic. He will draw your ideas in his own artistic style. I think I literally found my new artist when I want something quirky and out of the ordinary. If you like quirky cartoons of the past and present like Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butthead, Family Guy, and Spongebob Squarepants then you will love Draculafetus. His artwork will always keep you guessing what he's going to do next. I just attached a picture and told him to surprise me. I needed a banner for my Fiverrtastic Facebook page and well I got something worth 5x or even 10x what I paid. Check out the banner below.
 Draculafetus I don't really have any suggestions for you, you're doing all the right things. Just keep doing what you're doing and maybe someday soon you will be a Top Rated Seller. Next blog I will be talking about a seller who can help get your blog more active subscribers/readers. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Extra Extra read all about it

Hey Fiverrtastic readers,
Have you ever wondered where you can get an amazing press release for $5. Look no further than Fiverr seller mrwebsage84. This sellers ratings speak for themselves. Over the course of 4 months this seller is a level 2 seller and has a very happy customer base. I'm sorry but there aren't too many good qualit press release gigs out there and after talking with this guy via fiverr he sounds like the real deal. The gig is I will write a professional press release to announce any news about your blog, website or ecommerce store for $5 and the seller is mrwebsage84. If you need a press release you need to order this gig. Press releases are expensive so make sure you snatch up an amazing opportunity like this. It could mean the difference between something going viral or being someones competitor.

 mrwebsage84 I have some advice for you to make the gig that much better. First you should have people message you with any further questions. People that want more than one order will still place multiple orders at once without regard to you or what you request. You also need to explain to people that the gigs are "Caveat emptor" or Buyer beware and place order with care. You, me, and everyone on here are not miracle workers my friend. It has helped me out a lot since i put it on my gig. You're a writer using you're intellect to make money, not some guy who sells likes and makes youtube videos of cats go viral. Oh and might I suggest you use a live portfolio. it will help you get more jobs in the future. A way to show a sample of your writing is a screenshot of the word document. look at all my gigs, if i don't design I write or help people market their company so showing people previous work is a must. Lastly, offer up express services and possibly an express gig. you'll be inclined to get higher paying clients if you can shave a day or two off the time in a $10 gig extra.

 Just keep doing what your doing mrwebsage84. You will be kept busy with steady gigs before you know it. Next time I will be discussing Fiverr seller Draculafetus and the amazing facebook banner I recieved. Until next time have a Fiverrtastic day!